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gTLD stuff

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
.berlin is about to be released, i will be interested to see how this 'different/city' gtld goes?? I think it is available for anyone to register unlike .nyc which is going to require a current new york address


Top Contributor
I love the idea of thes gTLD's but I feel that the execution (and gTLD selection) has been extremely poor.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
i am waiting for the 'product/company' gtld's …. .sony and .canon for example (not to buy) just to see how they market them


Top Contributor
.berlin is about to be released, i will be interested to see how this 'different/city' gtld goes?? I think it is available for anyone to register unlike .nyc which is going to require a current new york address

I think .berlin has similar restrictions - quote from DN Journal:

"Some of these new geo TLDs, like the one that has the honor of being the first of its kind to enter general availability - .BERLIN - will be limited to businesses and citizens (or those who serve them) with local contact information. Starting tomorrow (Tuesday, March 18, 2014) Berlin oriented organizations and individuals can freely register domains representing Germany's capital city - a thriving metropolis of 3.4 million people."

Full article: http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/lowdown/2014/dailyposts/20140317.htm


Top Contributor
Yeah, there will be proxies and agents for those who want to get in on the action, always.

Except for the exclusive .harvard or .monash type stuff


Top Contributor
Probably all the system could handle in one day :)

That is 21 domains registered per minute across 24 hours lol

So you could probably assume at peak times that one or more domains were registered per second.

David Goldstein

Top Contributor
There is only one registrar giving away .berlin domains for one year. Others are charging with a discounted fee to no discount.

And as I've said before, about 90% of this forum is domainers, so don't complain when people whose prime concern is not domaining don't participate. After all, you seem to have totally missed major changes announcing changes to allow second level registrations in .nz and .uk since they were confirmed.

And not that I'm complaining about having a domainer only discussion group. It's a good idea. Just take into account not everyone thinks this is an important issue. I know most here find that hard to believe...


Top Contributor
There is only one registrar giving away .berlin domains for one year. Others are charging with a discounted fee to no discount.

And as I've said before, about 90% of this forum is domainers, so don't complain when people whose prime concern is not domaining don't participate. After all, you seem to have totally missed major changes announcing changes to allow second level registrations in .nz and .uk since they were confirmed.

And not that I'm complaining about having a domainer only discussion group. It's a good idea. Just take into account not everyone thinks this is an important issue. I know most here find that hard to believe...

and your point is ?

90% of this forum is domainers
having a domainer only discussion group

make up your mind please.

dnt for ME is not a domainer forum ONLY, it is a network that you would not believe what goes on with sharing, your comments effect newbies as do my comments of course.

this is your best sentence
After all, you seem to have totally missed major changes announcing changes to allow second level registrations in .nz and .uk since they were confirmed.

please expand on this with your knowledge and forget about trashing the other side of your argument about domainers. that will be the win win.

however i have to say i have STRONG rejections to the removal of the .com from .com.au and its obvious i am only saying this to protect my folio and my clients.


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
This thread is about the new gtld's, why would it discuss things like .nz and .uk when they are cctld's ??
.berlin is a city …… unsure what the gripe is about, it is very easy to start a new thread if .nz and .uk are to be discussed


Top Contributor
I understand where Tim is coming from. His concern is that the new gTLDs will dilute the necessity of his clients going for strong ccTLD domains. And rightly so.

This was also my opinion initially that if the gTLD thing gets out of hand and becomes a free for all, then domains (esp ccTLD) in general will stuffer.

But that said, I'm always open to change, and going forward if this is the reality, then lets work with it and see what happens.

Plus you don't know how Google (Interweb overlords) will pimp gTLD in the future.


Top Contributor
This thread is about the new gtld's, why would it discuss things like .nz and .uk when they are cctld's ??
.berlin is a city …… unsure what the gripe is about, it is very easy to start a new thread if .nz and .uk are to be discussed

+1 ( as i can't find the "like" button ? )

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