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Regular Member
What a shame this sale wasn't brought to the attention of people who are already in the niche

Ohh well....


Top Contributor
What a shame this sale wasn't brought to the attention of people who are already in the niche

Ohh well....

ummmmm, it was !!!, it was HEAVILY marketed to the CORRECT people in the know, johno69 did a GREAT job in pre marketing that most people would not know about.

and i only know a SNIPPET of what else was done, so that is another of the cuff comment.

how about we just give some SPACE for at least a day to a memeber making a great sale and be positive for the market we are in, this sale says a lot about development instead of just flipping, it shows positive aspects that are NOT cybersquatting but business BUILDING and the value of that.



Top Contributor
Well done!

The question must be asked though - are you happy with the figure? Is it a reasonable return on your time and investment?

Either way it's still a good dollar figure. :)


Top Contributor
At this point in time yes I'm happy with that figure. 12 months ago I wouldn't have been, but my interest level in that market was shrinking so it was good timing and it ended well above my reserve.

Although I set a low reserve to put it on the market early to encourage more bidding activity.

I think it's a fair price all things considered.

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