Sorry to hear the contest is a NON event.
My counter offer is I do the site and give you the FULL income.
You should not be penalised for the event not coming to fruition.
PM Sent
So a FREE use of a Name for a YEAR and a chance to prove your money making ideas was a little daunting?
Says that you have little confidence in your own abilities to enhance value.
Anyone (even Blind freddy) can monetise
A blank page and 1 Adsense ad link will return an income from great names.
It is monetising average names that show true ability.
Ross has a selection of names that as .info or .us, That would be a doddle to monetise
( was chosen by me because I OWN the .us version and it returns excellent income)
as's , WooHoo, the names are much easier to monetise. I would have been happy to take ANY of the names.
Any name has money making potential. It is the developers talent and marketing expertise that makes it WORK.
Godaddy, BING , twitter, sedo et al ALL CRAP NAMES but developed not one of you here would knock back their yearly income.
Guys and Gal's (Not forgetting Coreyg) Get past your feeling that somehow's are inferior to .COM.
That you NEED Really great Names to make money.
I built my empire by registering one name that was free for first 6 months from BottleDomains.
Was it or or even
NO it was
A couple subdomains , a NEW adsense account, a couple Ideas
12 months later I owned 1500 Names.
So get of your easy chairs and HAVE A GO.