MAN, I spent 30 minutes explaining to him how it NOW all works, " you can do this on drop or this on NF" and HONESTLY I didn't put any gripe into the conversation, I just wanted to explain how he could bid to get the domain.
It's easy to explain.
Just say it used to be an auction, now it's a blind tender.
Also the system isn't SH*T - it's just sh*t in comparison to the way it used to be - it's all psychology.
People feel "entitled" to what they used to receive for free - they come to "expect" it - of course this just sets them up for the inevitable fall so when the day comes where their "expectations go unfulfilled" they feel like they have been "wronged".
It's the same with most forms of long term welfare.
and he is a VERY intelligent guy
Obviously he's not THAT intelligent.
i am now ringing less people and that's a provable fact.
All that says to me is that there is even more money for NetFleet to make out of their new system by getting former bidders back - because your absence (along with a few other previously regular bidders) isn't being reflected in the results they are achieving.
also giftregistry going for that price is a laugh, if you had me in the market it would not have, the reason it went for that is my client said " that system is B^^LSH^T " so i was left with no bid to place, nor on drop, sad thing is i think NF are failing to realise drop actually plays a major roll in their business........ or has nobody noticed? or is it the elephant in the room?
Pleas explain?
SO chrisC you suggesting NF are making more money now is a load of ........
The results I'm seeing says otherwise.
That said, I'm not going to get in a debate over whether NetFleet are doing better or not - I am 97% confident they are - but more important than that I'm 100% confident that NetFleet KNOWS if they are doing better or not so there is no point in us arguing over speculations!
They've now used this format for 20 days - they would have enough data to have a decent amount of statistical significance.
So if they haven't changed it back, nor announced that they will be changing it back, that's a damn good indication that it working better for them.
i said earlier your numbers can not be verified nor add up as your mathematical mind will tell you there are many unknowns.
There are always unknowns - yet that's not what this system is being judged on...
It's being compared to the overall results of the previous system, the results of which are VERY KNOWN.
The small variables of who is bidding and not bidding as a result of the change is in consequential to NetFleet compared to the overall result.
how can you calculate a bid that isn't made? and there are many that are not being made.
You take "average number of [bids/users/domains bid on] with the old system" and compared it to the "average number of [bids/users/domains bid on] with the new system" and this difference equals the "number of disgruntled bidders"...
As long as the percentage of "disgruntled bidders" is lower than the percentage increase in the "average price" then your new system will out perform the old system.
Ie - NetFleet would happily lose 50% of it's bidders if it meant achieving 300% higher prices.
I obviously don't know the exact numbers, but from what I've seen I estimate NetFleet are probably making about 100% higher prices per domain and I guesstimate (though they would KNOW) only 10% - 20% of people have stopped bidding.
So the nett result is the new system is more profitable for NetFleet.