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Drop vs Netfleet - Backorder after auDA complaint


I'm a little confused about the backordering process and how the different companies compete.

As far as I can ascertain, each company tries their darnedest to snap up a domain after it expires. In my instance, I'm hoping a complaint to the .auDA will get the domain registration cancelled as the holder looks like he should be ineligible.

So assuming the auDA listens investigates the complaint and cancels the registration, the domain name becomes open for business.

Does that mean whichever company snaps it up tries to sell it - either by backorder or puts it on an auction?

FWIW, I will apply for Netregistry and Drop (Because of a technicality I cannot use Netfleet)

Also, if the domain doesn't get taken by Netregistry or Drop, how do I know where it has gone?


Top Contributor
Back-ordering is offered by Netfleet but not by Drop. It simply means NF will skip the usual auction process that is open to the public and will TRY to catch the domain when it drops just for you.

Drop will go through the usual auction process in the day leading up to the domain expiring. You will have to be the highest bidder on this platform if you want to guarantee catching this domain.

Drop and Netfleet compete against each other when the domain expires. Hence you need to be the highest bidder / Backorder customer on both if you really want the name.

Note that some generic domain names (high search, high value) can not be backordered on Netfleet.


If no one has placed a backorder on Netfleet, will it still try to catch the dropped domain?

If Netregistry and Drop do not get the domain once dropped, how do I know where it's gone and how do I get it?


Top Contributor
Need an ABN or ACN to place a backorder

You'll need that, or similar (VIC BN etc) anyway in order to be eligible to register a .com.au:

1. To be eligible for a domain name in the com.au 2LD, registrants must be:

a) an Australian registered company; or

b) trading under a registered business name in any Australian State or Territory; or

c) an Australian partnership or sole trader; or

d) a foreign company licensed to trade in Australia; or

e) an owner of an Australian Registered Trade Mark; or

f) an applicant for an Australian Registered Trade Mark; or

g) an association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory; or

h) an Australian commercial statutory body.



You'll need that, or similar (VIC BN etc) anyway in order to be eligible to register a .com.au

These don't require ACN or ABN:

c) an Australian partnership or sole trader;

d) a foreign company licensed to trade in Australia; or

e) an owner of an Australian Registered Trade Mark; or

f) an applicant for an Australian Registered Trade Mark ; or


Top Contributor
If no one has placed a backorder on Netfleet, will it still try to catch the dropped domain?

If Netregistry and Drop do not get the domain once dropped, how do I know where it's gone and how do I get it?

If no one bids or backorders on Netfleet then they will not try and catch it.

After the purge/drop you'll need to do a WHOIS to check its availability:


Top Contributor
A couple of questions if I may:

If a domain such as MySuper was backordered with NetFleet at the approximate cost of $250, would it not go into the auction? In which case NetFleet stand to lose $27.75k.

Further to that are the resources allocated to grabbing that domain equivalent to a bid of $200 or a bid of $10?


Top Contributor
A couple of questions if I may:

If a domain such as MySuper was backordered with NetFleet at the approximate cost of $250, would it not go into the auction? In which case NetFleet stand to lose $27.75k.

Further to that are the resources allocated to grabbing that domain equivalent to a bid of $200 or a bid of $10?

Netfleet usually does not allow valuable domains like mysuper to be back ordered in the first place, as zhen states earlier any thing with high search volume and high commercial value can not be back ordered.

the last time I remember they had a backorder on a valuable domain was Hardware.com.au which sold for 33k a few years ago, DROP caught the domain and a user here had a back order on the domain.

I doubt they will ever allow such a thing to happen again.


A couple of questions if I may:

If a domain such as MySuper was backordered with NetFleet at the approximate cost of $250, would it not go into the auction? In which case NetFleet stand to lose $27.75k.

Further to that are the resources allocated to grabbing that domain equivalent to a bid of $200 or a bid of $10?
Netfleet reserves some names, preventing you from backordering them. I.e. for Mysuper, it says, "This domain has been reserved by our system and if released will be sold via our Snapper auction
You can signup for a FREE Alert and we will email you if the domain is due to be purged"


The backorders have been placed and complaint lodged with auDA.

How will I know when to look at Drop to see if their servers picked up the domain?


Top Contributor
The backorders have been placed and complaint lodged with auDA.

How will I know when to look at Drop to see if their servers picked up the domain?

Hopefully you’ve familiarised yourself with the rules before lodging a complaint, and it's not being done in bad faith.

My understanding is IF the complaint falls in your favour, auDA will instruct the domain registrar to delete the domain. At which point it will fall into a "pending delete" phase for 14 calendar days before being purged.


Top Contributor
The registrant has a chance to respond to the complain. So if he lets it slip then really he doesn't wnat the domain. Not condoning this technique but its certainly one to explore if the current registrant is unresponsive, actually is not entitled to it and not done in bad faith.

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