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Location now ranking factor in google.com.au


Top Contributor
i'v seen some inconsistant changes across google au this last week, are we talking about the same thing? where the map has moved to the middle column?



Top Contributor
i don't want to steal the thread but this is what i thought you meant.


this is what i am seeing right now, i purposely did a wide shot to show the change

i have also noticed this is inconsistant so i can only think they are playing around right now.


ps: i'm with optusnet if that makes a difference ???????????


Top Contributor
ohhhh, and before you waste time, it doesn't happen for

parramatta road, lygon street, sydney street, ........... but does for stanley street in south melbourne so it geo targets me in melbourne but stanley street it brisbane is much bigger and when i add brisbane it doesn't put the map first.

what will happen for "country road" ??



Top Contributor
It's a "Venice-like" algo update; there's worldwide "outrage" at the moment, as per normal with any half-decent Google update.

There's a lot of SERP movement, and will continue to do so for the next few days I would presume.


Top Contributor
Alright... now I'm confused... What are we talking about exactly?

This has again changed over night for 1 word terms but what I am seeing is in my rank tracker term showing as "not in top 100" but when I search (not cached) term/site is in top 10.

Using a proxy like hidemeass.com > google.com.au > term reflects the same as the rank tracker. But yeah, local results differ quite widely. I am actually tripping out.


Top Contributor
a few changes seen by people who place heavy emphasis on Places as a strategy, also some movement in other sectors has been noted. But yeah Google is defiantly playing around with some, but at the moment clients are seeing positive results so not too much of a concern at this point in time.


Top Contributor
clients are seeing positive results

James (big fan as you know) but I'm yet to see any pay-for-service seo firm say that their clients were the losers - ever.

Every time there's an update, they all seem to claim to have spotted it first, all claim to know more about it than the others, all claim their clients are the big winners.

Surely they can't all be the big winners. If all the seo firms were winners, who were the losers?


Top Contributor
James (big fan as you know) but I'm yet to see any pay-for-service seo firm say that their clients were the losers - ever.

Every time there's an update, they all seem to claim to have spotted it first, all claim to know more about it than the others, all claim their clients are the big winners.

Surely they can't all be the big winners. If all the seo firms were winners, who were the losers?

The thing is I will admit a few of my affiliate sites have been targeted by manual and algorithmic action from Google in the past. The thing is usually after a few reconsideration requests and cleaning up of the link profiles and the sites we have been able to get things back working but it is a slow process. Its hard to keep in check with Google as a strategy in 2009 may be perfectly fine when you are running site X yet in 2012 Google changes their view on it, what is right is now wrong.

Who are the losers from this latest update last week?

- People who rely heavily on Google Places as a strategy would be my guess. So it is offline businesses and people who spam Google Places heavily.

I mean the week prior to this in March and April Google has taken down some link networks which people were using, for example Sapient link network which runs off .RU domains which I have seen a few people in Australia was taken down so big losers from that - http://www.seroundtable.com/google-sape-link-network-16465.html

In the end of the day, my advice is play by the rules if you want to build a long term business and keep up to date with developments where possible.


Top Contributor
google places as a strategy:

well when google moved it into the left column and pushed down organics, throws in 3 adwords at the top and bottom and leaves little space for listing quality content on sites of course people are going to go for places tactics and as long as its done correctly and not spam then good on them.

Then they do these changes and screw people over, its plainly evident that google is turning to a totally paid first page and they are just screwing with us along the way.

build MFA sites, then once they have money lets ditch them.
build quality content but we put adwords above you no matter how crappy the website.
join google+ and work on your places site, but then we can trash you at any time.

my sites are on YO YO right now, so much so i have stopped watching



Top Contributor
build MFA sites, then once they have money lets ditch them.
build quality content but we put adwords above you no matter how crappy the website.
join google+ and work on your places site, but then we can trash you at any time.

my sites are on YO YO right now, so much so i have stopped watching


There is no future in relying on free traffic. Of course Google will do what they like, because they are giving you something for free right now. Naturally they'll invite in the paying customers first and try to ditch those they aren't making money from, just like any other business.

If a site relies on search traffic but doesn't work well with adwords then that site is either something akin to a "charity" hoping for donations of traffic or if it is a commercial site then it is highly flawed.


Top Contributor
Yes, you were the first, 5 hours after my thread. :p You did have a better heading though.


Still not hearing much noise about an apparent rise in PDF rankings and also the combination results.

Yeah I read as much as "Wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the latest evolution of the Google Places listings into the main results."

But didn't get any further as I mostly ignore places ish.

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