Sorry I never got around to Part 2 - too busy or too slack.
But I do want to share one tip / tool with you. I have been using this with devastating success in recent times. Three premium sales in two weeks speaks for itself, plus a couple on the go at the moment.
That tool is LinkedIn.
It is great medium for connecting to liked minded people; plus a great tool for approaching targeted endusers for specific domains.
Word of warning though. It's like any new tool or toy - read the instructions first rather than jump in excitedly to try and get it going!
I'm not an expert, but these are my tips based on a little experience (and having read the instructions!):
- Don't use a shotgun approach and click the "Connect" button and send the generic message "I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn". Everyone does that - it's a big turn off to a lot of people.
- Do send a personal message - mention your previous dealings; or people that you may jointly know - or something else that you may have in common.
- Don't spam. If you can't do No 2, then don't bother is my advice.
Using LinkedIn to sell
The beauty of LinkedIn is that you can find out who your prime prospects are for a particular domain, and surgically target them.
My tips:
- Purchase a premium membership to LinkedIn. They're not expensive in the scheme of things, and there are always deals going (Google it). This gives you increased benefits including my new best friend: InMail's. These are messages guaranteed to get into your prospect's mailbox and be read - and if they're not read, you get a credit back. Seriously good!
- When targeting a prospect, do not try and "Connect". They don't know you from a "bar of soap", and it is the quickest way to be labelled a spammer and get yourself banned from LinkedIn. The secret is to InMail them explaining why you're contacting them - and what's potentially in it for them. I also always firstly apologise for "reaching out without an introduction". Seems to work for me.
- Fill your profile out properly. When you InMail someone, they're going to look at and decide if you're credible or not. That really helps determine if you'll get a message back or not!
I still use email for a lot of prospects, but unfortunately that medium has its drawbacks. e.g.
- Send enough of them, and your email invariably ends up in junk mail and never gets read.
- Credibility - recipients initially wonder who are you? Are you viewed as someone who ends in "mer" - spammer or scammer or both?
Whereas LinkedIn does offer a far greater measure of transparency and credibility.
Best wishes for your ongoing success.
Cheers, Ned