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Top Contributor
I have to say I'd be snapping that offer up straight away...


Why take the offer now when the free media advertising alone could generate more potential buyers and more free advertising for Domain Guardians? payng for the media coverage would cost a fortune

good work on the marketing so far ( mostly free it seems but getting mainstream media attention)

.. I do hope the current 7 figure offer is a standing offer but..Sometimes "A Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush".

Might be smart to sell it if they cant get better offers in 3 - 6 months.( if they really have a 7 figure offer now already) Might be bad press for the names values and domain guardians if the sale doesnt go through with so much hype and media coverae already so far.

just hope if a sale goes through the price is also made public

Hope the names find a nice home



Top Contributor
Why take the offer now when the free media advertising alone could generate more potential buyers and more free advertising for Domain Guardians? payng for the media coverage would cost a fortune

They won't just keep rehashing the same story, it is likely at or past its peak publicity.

.. I do hope the current 7 figure offer is a standing offer but..Sometimes "A Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush".

There is no such thing as a standing offer. Come back to them later and they'll probably sit down, or go lower.

Had this before many times, when you come back to them later they know it is because there is nobody else, and they probably offered too much initially. A good offer is worth taking without delay, hanging the offer out to dry isn't a good situation.

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