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Free logo design


Top Contributor


The logo is great, fantastic even - however the design is more reminiscent of a flower than a rose... (imho) ?

Maybe I'm being too pedantic.

I just did a quick search and if I had to go with a logo I'd go with something similar to the inner rose part of the below design instead of the flowery one - but a more detailed version i.e. More lines representing the rose petals.



Top Contributor
LOVE IT, as i'm the client its a funny feeling when you get the email and click to view and hope you like it, so i was well relieved when i saw it. I didn't expect Ash to do it as I had said if he was to busy don't worry but he pushed through and came up with a great design.

Ash is right in saying its a tough one, rose being so obvious and potentially tacky.

i can definately see it as a business card, cropped horizontal for a website header.

the frosting behind the words is great, and the white cut through vertical works well, i do see rhythm's point of view but you could spend your life finding something different.

to top it off it gets helenas approval and that means its a winner BIG time.

thanks Ash



Top Contributor
Not sure if I should start a new thread or not, but just so everyone knows Lucky Dip Design has transitioned/will transition over to a 'name your price' model..

"name your price" hmmm, i suppose you'd have to be very clear about what that means, at the moment its "lucky dip" and free, if you get your logo you do or you don't so no pressure on you.

its been a good way to display your skills, put a price on it and i'd say i'd expect to pay a few hundred for a logo in australia, i got a quote from a design last year for a client and the quote was $2500 ! , you can go online to a stock logo website and get one that 100 other people are using for $50- $150, or get a piece of rubbish off fiverr.com for $5.

i personally would be insulted if offered $20 to do a logo ( yes i just got one for free but that was the deal )

yes you should start a new thread and that will change the rules for you, "draw a firm line in the sand." now thats a logo :)

it will be interesting to see what you come up with

tim, and thanks for the logo

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