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The Next Step in Domain Names [Infographic]

Blue Wren

Top Contributor

Source: MelbourneIT


Top Contributor
The sad bit is some people will fall for all this and lose significant money. A+ to MelbourneIT's whoring department on producing it.

Blue Wren

Top Contributor
I agree Snoopy.

It is a Registrar so there is vested interest.

I like what Melbourne IT did under the heading: The Benefits For Business.
< quote >
Easier to remember. For example, a call to action like 'visit andy's.pizza to the get this special offer' is eaiser to remember than 'visit www.andyspizza.com.au/offer'
< / quote >

Hands up if you think that in this example, andys.pizza will redirect to the .com.au/offer page. lol ...wait no ones going to fall for this confusion are they?


Top Contributor
With that example I would say the average person on the street will not understand or remember "andys.pizza", for a business to try it would cost them money in terms of lost visitors/ineffective advertising.

Visitors will be doing all sorts of things with that from scratching their heads, to typing in andys.pizza.com.au & probably a dozen other variants.


Top Contributor
andys.pizza is a waste of time and money.

but having a network of hornsby.bmw, dubbo.bmw, noosa.bmw, chicago etccccc backed up by an advertising campaign is not a waste of money as long as they don't go and sell timconnell.bmw



Top Contributor
andys.pizza is a waste of time and money.

but having a network of hornsby.bmw, dubbo.bmw, noosa.bmw, chicago etccccc backed up by an advertising campaign is not a waste of money as long as they don't go and sell timconnell.bmw


It doesn't matter how much advertising is done .bmw is still going to be confusing.

How do I find bmw's main site, what address would that be? How does the dealer host their site? (with BMW in Germany?) Who gets melbourne.bmw, the guy in Australia or the guy in Florida?

Lastly, how would I recognise any of those as a url?

Swimming against a current trying to change things.


Top Contributor
So Snoopy the bottom line for you is that only a .com and the LESSER .com.au will EVER be worth money. ( or country codes for individual country focused websites like .co.nz, .co.uk etc )

plain and simple, NOTHING will change EVER.



Top Contributor
So Snoopy the bottom line for you is that only a .com and the LESSER .com.au will EVER be worth money. ( or country codes for individual country focused websites like .co.nz, .co.uk etc )

plain and simple, NOTHING will change EVER.


Tim, that is not what I have said.

What I am saying is that a lot of money is going to be wasted on new tlds. History will repeat yet again for domainers and businesses blowing money on them. It looks like MelbourneIT and other registrars will do a fine job with this wealth transfer.

The only thing new is that it is a bit different & supposedly better, it needs to be each time to keep getting the same people to keep putting the coins in the slot. At least some larger domainers have finally seen sense and got on the sell side of equation rather than the buy side.


Top Contributor
The sad bit is some people will fall for all this and lose significant money. A+ to MelbourneIT's whoring department on producing it.

I thought the point of the infographic was to point out that in recent times it has become more difficult to find top domains to register and the new TLD's will offer an alternative.

For example, a developer sets out to create a weight loss app for mobile devices. He needs a website to advertise his app so looks for a domain to register. He finds the following available:


Why would he not register that domain Snoopy ?


Top Contributor
Melbourne IT are a joke and so is them promoting the benefits of all those new domain name extensions.

Just look at how uncompetitive their prices are for a start. Seriously!

Their advertisement backfires .. It makes it obvious .com names and .com.au names ( if you sell in Australia) are the only one's worth buying and using

many of those " new" extensions now exist and the take up has been appalling

funny seeing them and other money hungry registrars promote so many benefits of all the different domain extensions but they dont register them for thermselves



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For example, a developer sets out to create a weight loss app for mobile devices. He needs a website to advertise his app so looks for a domain to register. He finds the following available:


Why would he not register that domain Snoopy ?

Because nobody has ever heard of .app?

In reality a domain like that will be registered by a domainer. That is the obvious buyer for the vast majority of these names.


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Who is going to type into a web browser Andy.pizza? No-one, why? Because of geo relevancy – Search engines are used to find relevant products / service / information to the end user, a .com.au means COMmercial / COMmerce in AUstralia...people trust that when they see a .com.au extension they know it’s relevant to Australia. The introduction of .web and .shop .pizza .apps is what to a search engine?

Who will know what to select as the most relevant link in the search engine i.e Andy.pizza [1 minute wasted as a result of identifying that Andy.pizza is located in another country] - global extensions are for global products and service, you may as well open your wallet and get ready for .pizza.au and .shop.au, because how on earth will global based extensions be geo relevant and trusted to be geo relevant to any end user?


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More money going to the architects of such Ponzi scheme.

Ah...but the Americans are good at creating bubbles. :rolleyes:


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A flood of real estate properties in the US crashed their real estate market.

A flood of domain extensions will crash the value of old domains.

In fact, it already happened...and despite many previous extension failed (like .tel, .travel and .whatever) they still want to sell more. :rolleyes:

This alone makes me want to quit registering domains.


Top Contributor
A flood of real estate properties in the US crashed their real estate market.

A flood of domain extensions will crash the value of old domains.

In fact, it already happened...and despite many previous extension failed (like .tel, .travel and .whatever) they still want to sell more. :rolleyes:

This alone makes me want to quit registering domains.

The American realestate market crashed because of bad lending practices and resultant foreclosures.

"Old domains" won't crash because of a glut of worthless names, that glut already exists. Actually the market has already crashed if you look at it on the basis of how a crash is normally defined. But that fall has nothing to do with worthless domains effecting valuable domains & everything to do with economic conditions overseas and the parking market.


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Dont waste your money on names that are not the top level of the domain system ( .com) or the equivalent in each country space

Example's for Newbies:

.com if you are GLOBAL
.com.au is you are in Australia
.co.uk if you in the UK
.co.nz if you are in New Zealand

forget the BS from registrars and their hype trying to sell more and more and more extensions most if not all fail. .Sex , .tv where perfect examples.. All hype which totally fizzled out

.id.au is a good example from Auda & ausregistry.com.au http://www.id.au/
http://www.ausregistry.com.au/domains/what-is-a-idau "FAIL"

Stick to .com.au if you are in business, .gov.au if you are in government and .org.au if you an organisation / charity . Most australian extension options get very few takers besides these http://www.auda.org.au/domains/au-domains/. There is no need in Australia for any more extensions


Top Contributor
The American realestate market crashed because of bad lending practices and resultant foreclosures.

"Old domains" won't crash because of a glut of worthless names, that glut already exists. Actually the market has already crashed if you look at it on the basis of how a crash is normally defined. But that fall has nothing to do with worthless domains effecting valuable domains & everything to do with economic conditions overseas and the parking market.

I did say "In fact, it already happened."

And yes the American market crashed also because they approved a mortgage to anyone and their dog but nonetheless there were way too many properties...same thing now in Spain...where you can buy brand new apartments for less than $30,000

.com may not crash in the same way but the money that once was going towards only few extensions is now spread all over too many extensions so just like in real estate, where the middle range properties suffer if first home buyers don't enter the market bringing more fresh money...same for low to middle cost (3 / 4 and 5 figures) .com domains....it's a chain effect...I am sure you are smart enough to see it.


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Who is going to type into a web browser Andy.pizza? No-one, why? Because of geo relevancy – Search engines are used to find relevant products / service / information to the end user, a .com.au means COMmercial / COMmerce in AUstralia...people trust that when they see a .com.au extension they know it’s relevant to Australia. The introduction of .web and .shop .pizza .apps is what to a search engine?

Who will know what to select as the most relevant link in the search engine i.e Andy.pizza [1 minute wasted as a result of identifying that Andy.pizza is located in another country] - global extensions are for global products and service, you may as well open your wallet and get ready for .pizza.au and .shop.au, because how on earth will global based extensions be geo relevant and trusted to be geo relevant to any end user?

Who says search engines are necessary for such sites / addresses. With the ever growing use of apps one would simply add it into an app or address book - why search for it on a search engine?


Top Contributor
A flood of real estate properties in the US crashed their real estate market.

A flood of domain extensions will crash the value of old domains.

In fact, it already happened...and despite many previous extension failed (like .tel, .travel and .whatever) they still want to sell more. :rolleyes:

This alone makes me want to quit registering domains.

Property in USA certainly didn't crash because of over-supply.

A flood of new domains will have an effect similar to further land releases in real estate outside metropolitan areas. It actually helps boost inner-city prices. Inner city suburbs is like top level domains imo. Supply is forever restricted, demand is ever increasing.

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