but it seems based on other info i have he can't trade in the same business sector for 5 years or so.
Theres a few niches that he couldnt work in...certain financial ones, security, but on most occasions you can appeal and get an exemption because it tends to intrude on "restraint of trade" and ones right to earn an income. There is and can be legal ways around the income situation.
You could possibly hope the domain names are overlooked by the administrator and if they arent kickass domain names, they may well be. Failing that, get a few offers and have him or a family member offer.....at least he can buy it back at the best cost, if he can afford it, if it is not a substantial value.
Investigate if somehow it can be classified as a "Tool of his trade", a longshot....but who knows.
It is very difficult out here to get exact information on bankruptcy and what the exact position is with assets.