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AMA with reserve bidding


Top Contributor
can i have some advice on bidding on an AMA that hasn't reached its reserve, eg: my bid is the highest but it hasn't reached reserve.

there is no "buy now" showing

what does the seller then do? just walk away? do they have any access to my info so they can negotiate ? what if i was only $1 away? so many questions.

there seems to be a bit of info no longer available since the change over.



Top Contributor
I think it would be great if the highest bidder at the end of the auction automatically gets an email letting them know they won the auction, but they didn't meet reserve, but they can buy the domain now via the Catalogue (which would be the reserve price) and then NF, seller and buyer all still win, given that the catalogue has 8% commission and the seller is obviously happy to sell at reserve, and the buyer has the "option" to buy the domain at reserve if he choose to do so.

This would remove the need to have a BIN as well. The BIN would become the reserve and would only be offered to the highest bidder.


Top Contributor
Hi Tim

Consider the reserve like you are bidding against another person - if the row is red, the flag is red, you are not winning.

there is no "buy now" showing

what does the seller then do? just walk away? do they have any access to my info so they can negotiate ? what if i was only $1 away? so many questions.

there seems to be a bit of info no longer available since the change over.


Not all domains have a Buy Now price - entirely up to the seller. If the seller doesn't have the reserve met, no details will be passed on to them. They should however ensure their reserves are realistic, and possibly resubmit to auction with a more realistic reserve (all past bidders get notified of this).

Does that help?


Top Contributor
Hi Tim

Consider the reserve like you are bidding against another person - if the row is red, the flag is red, you are not winning.

Not all domains have a Buy Now price - entirely up to the seller. If the seller doesn't have the reserve met, no details will be passed on to them. They should however ensure their reserves are realistic, and possibly resubmit to auction with a more realistic reserve (all past bidders get notified of this).

Does that help?

yes, i agree with you and Chris C, but i like Chris C's method.

it could be an opt in system.

( i can just see the tech heads at NF going :eek: DO YOU know how much work is involved in creating that :mad: , i'm going for a beer)



Top Contributor
i can just see the tech heads at NF going :eek: DO YOU know how much work is involved in creating that :mad:
Then they need to change their thinking to, if we bring in these changes, we will get more sellers listing domains, and more of those domains selling will get sold, which will mean much more money for us tech heads, and once it is done it will be on autopilot.


Making money is simple, it's just not easy.

And I have no doubt in NetFleet's "tech heads" ability to roll the sleeves up and improve their system, you only have to look at what they have done over the last two years to see that they aren't afraid of building new features and refining their system.


Top Contributor
I agree with what you are saying - and I think a reverting to a Domain Catalogue listing is a good idea.

We are working on our push/pull to/from auction functionality now so will look to get something like this implemented. Watch this space :)

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