Credit cards, loans, finance of any kind would be an obvious offering to me.
Any kind of finance offering?
So the website will say "welcome to, we offer any type of finance"?
Broad is a very bad thing for developing a domain in my view. There is all sorts of things someone could be searching for "credit" for, credit cards, credit unions, credit reports, bad credit repair, accounting information, credit ratings of companies, business loans. It is that mix which is going to make it a very difficult name to develop.
Here is google's ad group ideas for the term
Credit Check (28) - credit check, credit check australia, credit rating
My Credit (32) - my credit file, my credit rating, check my credit
Credit History (13) - credit history, credit history check, credit history
Credit Rating (25) - credit rating, low rate credit card, credit card r
Bad Credit (10) - bad credit, bad credit finance, fix bad credit...
Credit Union (34) - credit union australia, credit union, credit unions...
Loan Bad (5) - bad credit loans, loans bad credit, loans for bad credit...
Cards Compare (8) - compare credit cards, credit card compare...
Credit Score (38) - credit score, free credit score report...
Check Online (5) - credit check online, online credit check...