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Top Contributor
How would that make for a discussion? What's wrong with having a debate in this thread Tim? Why do you feel so threatened by the issues smee raised?

It's pretty clear that if threads only contain opinions that are all in agreement, that isn't going to be much of a discussion.

i'm not threatened by the subjects raise, in fact their are many things mentioned that i agree with, what i'm trying to say post a link to the new thread that is OFF this topic off this one and continue it over there, that to me is the rules even if we discussing the price of tea in china and it moved onto bacon rashes in the sudan !

threads do evolve but i think you and smee have soap boxed thing.



Archived Member
i'm not threatened by the subjects raise, in fact their are many things mentioned that i agree with, what i'm trying to say post a link to the new thread that is OFF this topic off this one and continue it over there, that to me is the rules even if we discussing the price of tea in china and it moved onto bacon rashes in the sudan !

threads do evolve but i think you and smee have soap boxed thing.


This is a recurrent theme with you. Anytime someone posts something you disagree with, you ask that they go elsewhere or start a new thread. This is how you continually derail threads. Why is that? Are we ruining your once a year concern for the dead? It's OK, I'm sure football/cricket/etc will be on TV on the weekend and they'll be long forgotten. Better ask the PM who she thinks is tipped to win.


Top Contributor

Smee, did you know creating a thread is FREE ? djuqa asked you at the start to keep to topic, David reaffirmed it, Chris also, why was it neccesary to go on and ONNNNN.

start a new topic and see if anyone attends but don't push your point on this one as it was stated specifically that was not what this thread wanted to be.

Slag me off in the new thread please not this one, as i won't be posting on your new thread so have a field day.


Of course I know creating a thread is free - and in other posts you say not to insult people or break rules, yet you are insulting me.

Just because you mention a few other members could mean others are too scared to post in case they get kicked off. At least one other member had the courage of his convictions and had basis and posted his convictions.

I seriously wonder sometimes whether people just choose to ignore what is really happening or if they are genuinely stoopid.

How can you seriously say it's not on topic when we are discussing the precursors to that significant event.


Top Contributor
How can you seriously say it's not on topic when we are discussing the precursors to that significant event.

your very first post started all this.

and let us all also remember all those civilians killed either on purpose or via 'friendly' fire by the US in countries they should not be in.


and also the innocents now born with birth deformities, thanks to the US using spent uranium shells in Iraq.

Thanks to twisted lies of weapons of mass destruction, but really in the name of God and more importantly, oil.

show me where the word Bali is in your post ?

right then you hijacked the thread and then you just wouldn't stop and still won't.



Archived Member
right then you hijacked the thread and then you just wouldn't stop and still won't.

Show me where you mentioned a single victim by name. Do you know any? I don't. They're dead but the impact of that day impacts the living as it's used by the few to push a police state agenda on the many. The truth is that these remembrance threads are just empty gestures. Djqua takes it to whole 'nuva level when he starts including how he's been helping kids since 1968 in this signature.

I can't remember where I read/heard it but many ANZACS didn't even want to remember the day, it was the politicians who hijacked it for their own gain. They've always done this sort of thing and they get away with it because of people like yourself.


Top Contributor
Show me where you mentioned a single victim by name. Do you know any? I don't. They're dead but the impact of that day impacts the living as it's used by the few to push a police state agenda on the many. The truth is that these remembrance threads are just empty gestures. Djqua takes it to whole 'nuva level when he starts including how he's been helping kids since 1968 in this signature.

I can't remember where I read/heard it but many ANZACS didn't even want to remember the day, it was the politicians who hijacked it for their own gain. They've always done this sort of thing and they get away with it because of people like yourself.


Meanwhile, Byron Bay businessman Chris Wallace, whose sister Jodi was also killed in the bombing, said he would spend tomorrow reflecting privately on the lives lost in the attack.

one of my clients sister died in the bombing, i was there in byron when he felt the full force of his grief, why couldn't you just let them have one day? i'm struggling to keep this nice, the Wallaces family have been in the area since i think the 50"s, i met them when we arrived in the 70's, you wouldn't find more respected business people.

a memorial was held for jodi where over 100 board riders surfed out into byronbay and laid flowers for her.

So, yes, i do personally know someone, i was also at that the Sari nightclub just 7 days earlier so how close to the event do you want me to be for me to be able to say to you ... please start a new thread about your own subject ?

do you need to see my passport?



Top Contributor
Jonathan has every right to post in this thread IMO. Just because he doesn't agree with the first post shouldn't mean his views aren't allowed here. Would be a pretty boring forum if that were the case. His comments are broadly on topic... Certainly compared with many other threads that happily go off on tangents.

You would win the DNT cynics award hands down, Jonathan. I don't think you can dismiss the memorials etc as being purely a political thing. People do want to commemorate these things and I don't see anything wrong with that.

Djuqa mixing it up with religion is really not needed though. And are you really a reverend?

Smee, difference between stupidity and ignorance


Top Contributor
are you really a reverend?
Yes fully ordained! I didn't mix religion in the issue, it was already enmeshed in the issue.
And if the 2 trollers SMEE & JB wish to debate the issues they seem to have a passion for they should start their own forum/blog not hijack threads,
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Top Contributor
Yes fully ordained! I didn't mix religion in the issue, it was already enmeshed in the issue.
And if the 2 trollers SMEE & JB wish to debate the issues they seem to have a passion for they should start their own forum/blog not hijack threads,

Pretend Rev/Sunday Christian, please stop with the troll comments, it's making you out to be the troll as you are deliberately trying to incite or are you are just plain stupid and don't understand what the word means.

This would be a trollish comment:

Revs and kids....?
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Regular Member
@smee & @jb seeing you both seem to know everything, just how should the West respond to Radical Islam?


Archived Member
@smee & @jb seeing you both seem to know everything, just how should the West respond to Radical Islam?

No need for snide comments.

As for radical Islam, it should be grouped with all other religions. Religion is the problem, not Islam on it's own.

Education that doesn't involve religious brain washing would go a long way to stopping such problems as educated people are less likely to believe in sky monsters and other rubbish that drives people to commit such atrocities in the first place. And no, I'm not edumacated, didn't even finish school.

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