Archived Member
I agree with your points about the Politicians getting involved with this stuff to an over extent. But that is what Labor does best is PR the shit out of things in a hope they will try and win some voters. Labor getting desperate just look at the recent weeks events.
I also do not really agree with the religious quotes all over the original post, was probably not the right place.
I feel this was a very sad instance where innocent civilians were killed and I feel this should be a time for people to remember those innocent lives who were lost, this isn't a time to link up religion or politics. This isn't also a time to link it back to things the American army has done in their own war is it?? Do I agree with all these wars and loss of life no, its not something I endorse at all.
It wouldn't matter who or which party is in power, they read from the same teleprompter.
As for the US government, they're related to the Bali bombings because the bombings were done in part due to our involvement with their wars.
The Bali bombings (and other events such as ANZAC Day) are fair game for criticism IMO because these events are politicised by our own governments. The dead are dead and don't feel one way or another about it.