Were you ranked #1 before the update Tim?
that site was created pre panda, i then updated it to a new look after penguin but not for that reason, it ranked number 1 withing 3 days of setting up and has stuck fast, which at a guess was @ 2 years ago? not sure.
i agree with all the comments and i have "no follows" i think on most content to prevent dup content hassles, i have about 40 of these with all the same story, then i have actual developed sites for real optom buinsesses and they all stick.
yes they are all low search volume but the success comes from that local optom traditionally promoting the site ( and you have heard it all before so i'll stop )
only 1 of these sites got hit by penguin, it was really weird out of so many , but i change a few little things like title tags using "all in one seo" and i see its now last first page organic, not bad as it went from number 1 to disapearing ! and now back to ten !
you guys are just gonna say "no way" ! but look at ballarat then click here
i put it in html so to add no value, search the obvious EMD and see where it sits on your rankings.
the object is to move it on to a developed site, far more profitable for me.