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The Browser You Loved to Hate

I hate IE, there are better browsers out there, Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc - I cant use or even install IE9 on my work computer as it kills another application I run.....


Top Contributor
That's where I heard it johno69.

Checked my version of IE (which is 9) and I still don't use it... except for testing between browsers.


Top Contributor
That's where I heard it johno69.

Checked my version of IE (which is 9) and I still don't use it... except for testing between browsers.


Top Contributor
I hate IE, there are better browsers out there, Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc - I cant use or even install IE9 on my work computer as it kills another application I run.....

agreed but unfortunately in development if you don't make the website work with it then the SMB's just don't get it.

i deal with this DAILY, i even had a big issue with clients when i announced i was no longer supporting IE8 and XP !

hate it but there are alot of USERS using it so you have to have a website functional for it !

agreed but unfortunately in development if you don't make the website work with it then the SMB's just don't get it.

i deal with this DAILY, i even had a big issue with clients when i announced i was no longer supporting IE8 and XP !

hate it but there are alot of USERS using it so you have to have a website functional for it !


You are right about IE being used by a lot of people and the fact that you have to support it - I still think it is a horrible browser. I am still amazed that IE9 kills another application on my computer, and that is not even when its running. It obviously installs a file somewhere that causes some conflict. Fortunately for us we have a big choice in browsers these days

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