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The name doesn't make much sense to me.

As far as adsense goes, assuming the stats are right (which I have doubts about) how much it is going to make? say it can earn 30 cents click, you got a market of 480 searches a month, so if you are on the front page maybe 50 visits.

Once those fifty land on the site was is the CTR on an adsense ad going to be, 2%? more, less? By my calcs it is the type of name that would be lucky to make reg fee on that basis. It is also the kind of site that is likely to have no long term legs with google anyway (MFA).


Top Contributor
Google's CPC estimate is $2.10. Obviously you wouldn't get that but I think closer to $1 would be more likely.

Also CTR you would hope to get at least 20% for such a clear targeted term.

One would hope that a 4-worder like that getting a #1 position would be achivable without too much effort. In which case, CTR might be more like 40%.

So you might get 200 visits with 40 clicks at $1 each per month. $500/year revenue

Then of course there's ranking (some sort of traffic anyway) for related terms which would come on top.

Of course all guesswork - I suspect my guess is best case scanrio and snoopy's is worts case scenario.

PS isn't it interesting how a few tweaks of these figures can make a big difference to the end result?

PPS I don't have any au diet sites but I do have the unlikely sounding dietforweightloss.in. It seems to rank #15 in India for exact match, so far from potential (in fact gotta change that meta description, that's a shocker) but nevertheless last month delivered 605 visits for 64 clicks (10.58% CTR). Alas the lowly CPC in India is just 7c!
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Top Contributor
Google's CPC estimate is $2.10. Obviously you wouldn't get that but I think closer to $1 would be more likely.

What are you basing it on? They are paying a rev share of content network bids, that will be a lot lower than search network bids.

Here is a real world example from my own adwords account,

CPC displayed by adwords tool $7.14
Average CPC earned for last month $1.62

The site has traffic from lots of different terms aside from the main one though which will make the above less reliable.

Also CTR you would hope to get at least 20% for such a clear targeted term.

One would hope that a 4-worder like that getting a #1 position would be achivable without too much effort. In which case, CTR might be more like 40%.

What is likely, I don't think position #1 is likely, and a 20% CTR isn't likely for a page that is going to get ranked well.

PPS I don't have any au diet sites but I do have the unlikely sounding dietforweightloss.in. It seems to rank #15 in India for exact match, so far from potential (in fact gotta change that meta description, that's a shocker) but nevertheless last month delivered 605 visits for 64 clicks (10.58% CTR). Alas the lowly CPC in India is just 7c!

Finally some reality. So the *actual example* involves being ranked 15th with a 10% click through rate and actual earnings of 7 cents a click versus an adwords displayed price of 23 cents. I think we are now getting somewhat as we are talking real numbers. Apply those kind of real world figures/cpomparisons and we are again talking reg fee type earnings for the name loseweightfastdiet.com.au, not $500 per year.


Top Contributor
Thanks for the math. Defintly interested in seeing this typ eof stuff to help learn.

A couple of other considerations were that the domain contained 3 broad terms. So based on that with work you could hopefully return more long tail searches for things like:

how to lose weight fast
diets for losing weight fast
fast weight loss diet

so on and so forth.

Are these things domainers take into consideration when buying a oz domain? Or is it just the exact match type stuff?

Thanks for the offer Jonathan but no need for it at the moment.



Top Contributor
Are these things domainers take into consideration when buying a oz domain? Or is it just the exact match type stuff?

For sure! You can't rank a domain for it's exact match equivalent and NOT get any other traffic - you're bound to get X% on top


Top Contributor
For sure! You can't rank a domain for it's exact match equivalent and NOT get any other traffic - you're bound to get X% on top
Yes someone might "consider" this, but on these long tail type domains, it wouldn't be a big factor, as a developer would be going after the exact term more than anything.

I've developed a lot of minisites in my time and with a domain like this I think you'd find the reality is somewhere in between Snoopy's and David's examples. Expecting $500/year might be ambitious if you are only talking about a site that is less than 10 pages of content, with no/low link building, but you'd be VERY likely to make more than reg fee a year.

The trick is making a return on your development costs and whether those returns are sustainable (as Snoopy mentions Google isn't the biggest fan of ow value MFA sites).

In my experience a well designed content site can get 5% CTR. And if the AdWord CPC is $2, you could expect an average CPC via AdSense of $0.40 - $0.80.

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