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Monitoring .com.au for potential expire/drop


Top Contributor
Just wondering what method people use to monitor particular names for potential expiration. Do any of the drop houses have a free service alerting to registry changes?


Top Contributor
Don't see how that would be possible given that the registration date and the expiration date are not public info and it wouldn't be in the interests of the policy makers to publish it.


Top Contributor
Don't see how that would be possible given that the registration date and the expiration date are not public info and it wouldn't be in the interests of the policy makers to publish it.

With the drops lists being public and the drop houses having history records it's not difficult for them to add 2 years to caught domains to get some idea or the updated expiry dates.


Top Contributor
With the drops lists being public and the drop houses having history records it's not difficult for them to add 2 years to caught domains to get some idea or the updated expiry dates.

I think the point of having public expiration dates is to find out what's due to expire before a domain hits a drop list. So that buyers can contact domain owners directly to negotiate a price before the domain hits the drop list.

So with a domain like GoldBullion.com.au the owner either forgot to renew it, let it expire or didn't receive a renewal notification. If the expiration date was public knowledge a buyer could approach the domain owner and offer to purchase it. They could probably have picked up goldbullion.com.au for half the price of the auction price.

Ask Netfleet or Drop if they would be happy with a system like that.
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Top Contributor
I think the point of having public expiration dates is to find out whats due to expire before a domain hits a drop list.

Yes I understand your point.

So while not 100% accurate, if the history of the caught drops for the last 2 years was available, you'd have a list of all coming up expiry dates.

Excluding changes for other reasons, cors etc.

So my point is while this data may not be public, I'm sure it's still accessible to some.

I've started keeping a spreadsheet of caught domains for a while but it won't be of use until I've been doing it 2 years.

By then the Whois might show it anyway..


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Could be one of many reasons. But nobody with half a brain would let that expire.

Alerting them to the fact it was approaching expiry would guarantee renewal IMO.

Watch the NZ drops to see this in action.


Top Contributor
Could be one of many reasons. But nobody with half a brain would let that expire.

Alerting them to the fact it was approaching expiry would guarantee renewal IMO.

You're absolutely right Paul.

The previous owner is a publicly listed company - check archive.org. What's $20 / $30 to them?

(Actually, cancel that. The previous registrar was MelbIt - say no more!). ;)

Remember Hardware.com.au? Why would anyone let a name like that expire? OzDomainer covered it here: http://www.ozdomainer.com/bunnings-lets-hardware-com-au-expire/

Many others that I can also quote.


Top Contributor
You're absolutely right Paul.

The previous owner is a publicly listed company - check archive.org. What's $20 / $30 to them?

(Actually, cancel that. The previous registrar was MelbIt - say no more!). ;)

Remember Hardware.com.au? Why would anyone let a name like that expire? OzDomainer covered it here: http://www.ozdomainer.com/bunnings-lets-hardware-com-au-expire/

Many others that I can also quote.

It might lead to a renewal or it might lead to a sale. If it lead to a sale then at least the proceeds would be spread out and not all going to the drop catch sites.


Top Contributor
It might lead to a renewal or it might lead to a sale. If it lead to a sale then at least the proceeds would be spread out and not all going to the drop catch sites.

Do you think the majority of drops that have fetched upward of say $1k have been intentionally let expire?


Top Contributor
It might lead to a renewal or it might lead to a sale. If it lead to a sale then at least the proceeds would be spread out and not all going to the drop catch sites.

What do you have against the drop catch sites?
Interesting, Ashman's tool seems great.

One of the reasons for not publishing the expiry dates of domains was to prevent an old practice where just before expiry, resellers would harvest the expiry dates and then send a renewal / transfer notice out to the registrant, who would then unwittingly end up renewing through a reseller instead of the direct registrar relationship which they had. It used to happen to Melbourne IT all the time


Top Contributor
They could probably have picked up goldbullion.com.au for half the price of the auction price...

No way in the world. Think about it - you manage to get through to the right person and let them know their domain name is about to expire and you're keen to buy it.

They then renew it of course and then will simply say 'Thanks for letting us know but sorry, not for sale'.

Why would they, a listed company let go of a generic domain like that? They aren't in the business of selling domains, especially a domain that, once developed, is going to directly compete against them.

So they will shut up shop. Sure you might be able to tempt them with a $20K or $30K offer but they aren't going to accept half of what the true wholesale market value is, that's for sure.

Instead it will be renewed and unloved for the next 10 years - another great domain going to waste.

If you think otherwise, and that you can actually negotiate an attractive purchase directly with an end-user like that, then why wait for it to expire? Just hit any old domain owner up directly through whois. You'll be in exactly the same position but you'll have 2.5m prospects rather than weeding through 1,000 per day.

What do you have against the drop catch sites?

Remember he tried to start a competing drop catch service which didn't go so well. So if you can't beat 'em, whinge about 'em!!


Top Contributor
Remember he tried to start a competing drop catch service which didn't go so well. So if you can't beat 'em, whinge about 'em!!

Oh that's right David you have inside knowledge of my business model because you apparently know everything. You have been using that same old uninformed statement since I first joined this site. David you're just a sour ass who doesn't take to any discussion when talking about alternatives to Netfleet.
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Top Contributor
Oh that's right David you have inside knowledge of my business model because you apparently know everything.

It was on your website from memory - you've now changed it. Are you telling me you didn't harbour intentions to secure expiring domains for your clients?

David you're just a sour ass who doesn't take to any discussion when talking about alternatives to Netfleet.

Hmm... I take to the discussion happily. I just don't agree that your idea will work.

Why not respond to my argument rather than resorting to childish personal insults like you always seem to do? Here it is again - please professionally point out where I've got it wrong..

They then renew it of course and then will simply say 'Thanks for letting us know but sorry, not for sale'.

Why would they, a listed company let go of a generic domain like that? They aren't in the business of selling domains, especially a domain that, once developed, is going to directly compete against them.

So they will shut up shop. Sure you might be able to tempt them with a $20K or $30K offer but they aren't going to accept half of what the true wholesale market value is, that's for sure.

Instead it will be renewed and unloved for the next 10 years - another great domain going to waste.

If you think otherwise, and that you can actually negotiate an attractive purchase directly with an end-user like that, then why wait for it to expire? Just hit any old domain owner up directly through whois. You'll be in exactly the same position but you'll have 2.5m prospects rather than weeding through 1,000 per day

PS - the other thing to note is hindsight. Now it seems obvious that buying it for $2.5K from the original registrant would have been a steal. However, in your heart of hearts, Ashman, would you really have contacted that registrant and tried to buy it for $2.5K last week? Honestly? Did you bid $2.5K on Drop & Snapper yesterday and if not why not?

PPS - stop copying my damn stars ★ LOL
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Top Contributor
I have a list too at Expired Domain List since 8/8/12 with already 37,000 records, adding about 1,000 new records a day.

This isn't as useful as a list of caught domains though. These could be hand registered at any time or date.

A list of caught names from 2 years ago would give you some exact data on up coming expiry dates.


Top Contributor
It was on your website from memory - you've now changed it. Are you telling me you didn't harbour intentions to secure expiring domains for your clients?

David if your going to make such claims at least back it up with some evidence otherwise your just talking rubbish.

Why not respond to my argument rather than resorting to childish personal insults like you always seem to do? Here it is again - please professionally point out where I've got it wrong..

I actually agreed with your discussion about contacting end users and you raised some valid points. However, what I dislike is that you always must end your discussions by raising previous posts in some attempt to justify that your opinion must be better than someone else. You should yourself take note of making childish insults like you usually do!


Top Contributor
A list of caught names from 2 years ago would give you some exact data on up coming expiry dates.

This is a smart idea. Are you keeping records for them all, or just the ones you are interested in?

I've jotted down the catch date of a few names I missed on the drops, but haven't thought to expand this for all.

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