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Writing A Legal Email To Request Someone Relinquish A Domain


Top Contributor
Long story short, we believe a company has purchased a domain they have no right to own and no intention to use and are infringing on a clients international trademark (I know it's up for debate as to who AUDA views these).

Over the phone they have recognised this, but we are finding that they are being a pain in the ass in regards to getting around to deleting the domain or transferring it to us... ie they have little incentive to play ball with a competitor and they are just stalling.

Basically we really don't want to get involved in a legal dispute given all the grey area of AUDA policies and the time and expenses involved, so I was wondering if anyone had a template of a legal letter we could send to scare them into getting on with it...?


Hi Chris

Sorry to hear about your situation but template letters are useless. If you are serious about enforcing your rights, you are best to pay a lawyer to write a letter for you.


Top Contributor
Hi Chris

Sorry to hear about your situation but template letters are useless. If you are serious about enforcing your rights, you are best to pay a lawyer to write a letter for you.

Chris, I have enforced a trademark by sending a template "Cease & Desist" and a "Notice of Intention to Sue" letter by registered post. The letter was forwarded to the defendant's solicitor who called me and after a short conversation to verify my trademark the defendant was compliant. PM me if you want a copy of the letter.
Im glad you had success Ashman but most experienced IP lawyers know that unless the letter is written by a lawyer, the other party is not serious about going to Court to enforce their rights. That is why template letters don't usually work.


Top Contributor
Im glad you had success Ashman but most experienced IP lawyers know that unless the letter is written by a lawyer, the other party is not serious about going to Court to enforce their rights. That is why template letters don't usually work.

You haven't read my letter. NO lawyers required.

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