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Price Goughing of Aussie Domain Buyers


Top Contributor
Although not related to .com.au domains I just noticed something interesting when registering a new .co.uk.

If you go to crazydomains dot com dot au .co.uk domains are priced at AUD$19 per year, so with the minimum 2 year period AUD$38 in total.

However, if you go to crazydomains dot co dot uk - .co.uk domains are priced at £2.50 each, so for the minimum registration period of 2 years a total of AUD$7.64!


Top Contributor
Wow, that is a difference.

I don't know much about UK domains - but weren't you able to register domains for just 1 year previously? Or am I wrong?


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I'm still hassling with crazyD for them changing me to pay an overseas bank account so i now get charged more



Top Contributor
Although not related to .com.au domains I just noticed something interesting when registering a new .co.uk.

If you go to crazydomains dot com dot au .co.uk domains are priced at AUD$19 per year, so with the minimum 2 year period AUD$38 in total.

However, if you go to crazydomains dot co dot uk - .co.uk domains are priced at £2.50 each, so for the minimum registration period of 2 years a total of AUD$7.64!

Smart business I would say. The UK buyer will know .co.uk pricing well, the Australian buyers no so much and will be used to .com.au pricing. If your market will pay $19 then charge it.


Top Contributor
some one emailed me the other day saying they had a .com.au renewal from Crazy domains for $90 for 2 years, I said something was defiantly up as the normal rate is @24/ for 2 years...

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