$25 is going to get eaten away by some phone calls and and the first hour or two spent on it. Checkout chicks earn $19 per hour. What is the better option?
$19 per hour these days for a check out chick sounds a bit high
and I would use email costs nothing and skype if needed.
hmm checkout chick or email a few people I know which I would rather do
but if you must work as a check out chick go for it
I agree the name is not really worth anything but you can sell any name to the right person if it is a generic usable term or good pronounceable brand name. have seen some shockers in the .com space sell for a lot
look at 60.com 310k why what is the term 60 it's not 60th and why has your own name 40.com.au not sold with 60.com selling for $310,000
.com is in a bubble .au is still very low in comparison maybe contact the buyer of 60 and spruik your domain pretty new to .au lots of rules etc but I think in a few years all the good generic domains in .com.au and .net.au will be gone.
The market is obviously picking up steam with a few notable sales lately.