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hi all, i am very new to the site. I am very interested to know about the art of buying and selling domains. So look forward to reading new posts as they come online


Top Contributor
Welcome investor88. :)

I know that you have spent a long time in the real estate world, so I'm sure you'll find "cyber property" an exciting proposition. The principles are basically the same, except there is a lot less red tape involved with buying, developing and selling domain names compared to a bricks and mortar property development.

And the ROI is significantly better - and the risk far less!

Good luck.

Cheers, Ned
domains with trademarks

Thanks Ned

i look forward to seeing the hot tips on how to get the best ROI in domains. When domains have a registered trademark in the same country as the domain will that increase the value.
Domains with registered trademarks

yes i have the trademarks for AU, NZ and UK with the matching domains names.

The trademarks also have a registered slogan

Creating wealth through knowledge and strategies

I believe that this adds value to to the domains is that correct.?

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Hi Investor88

I have a trademark on a name i used to own, the idea was shopping based and by the time i got around to trying a site the industry was full of 'shopping sites' i guess gumtree would be the closest to what i had in mind

Long story short a trademark will help protect your branding but the business will still have to 'stand alone'

I guess it adds to the overall value of a name but it is really only a bonus in my eyes

Welcome to the forum


Top Contributor
Hi and welcome. have a read at all the posts here and you will quickly gain knowledge it tooks many here years to get ( and sometimes at great cost)

Good luck in your domain name investing

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