The new "Domainers Industry Association" should be worthy of an Auda grant via the Auda Foundation! $5,000- $20,000
When its set up apply for the grant and lets see how supportive they are
Funding Information
The auDA Foundation aims to enhance the utility of the Internet for all Australians. The Foundation typically offers grants in the range of $5,000 to $20,000 to not-for-profit organisations and research institutions.
Financial support is provided to proposals that will satisfy the objectives of the auDA Foundation Charter. Priority is given to those proposals that will be completed within 12 months of the date of the grant.
Applications for grants for 2011 are now closed.
auDA Foundation Charter
Funding Preferences
Applications not supported
Eligible Applicants
Selection Criteria
Grant Conditions
Reporting Requirements
auDA Foundation Charter
The general objectives of the Foundation are to promote and encourage education and research activities that will enhance the utility of the Internet for the benefit of the Australian community, including:
1.The provision of open scholarships and prize funds to encourage and reward academic and applied excellence;
2.The funding of pure and applied research including academic positions and the publication of results for the benefit of the Australian community;
3.The funding of community demonstration projects and the publication of results for the benefit of the Australian community;
4.The funding of public education and awareness initiatives through all relevant mediums and institutions.
Proposals that fail to meet the objectives of auDA Foundation will not be considered for funding.
Examples of projects that have already received funding from the auDA Foundation are available on the website under Grant Recipients.
Please note that while the featured projects may provide a guide to the sorts of projects likely to be successful, the Board may be unwilling to fund proposals that too closely resemble projects funded in previous rounds.
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Funding Preferences
The auDA Foundation Board is keen to see new submissions that will achieve practical outcomes through innovative means.
The Board considers it important for applicants to make an in-kind or financial contribution to their own proposal. We expect that your contribution will be relative to the financial strength of your organisation.
All proposals must, as per the Foundation Charter, deliver education or research activities that will enhance the utility of the Internet. Within the Charter's broad outline, however, many different types of projects might receive funding.
Scholarships for PhD students.
Research into Internet related technologies, such as:
•Improvements to the domain name system,
•New protocols,
•Addressing security issues,
•Addressing privacy issues, or
•Reducing or eliminating spam.
Research into the social impact of the Internet, such as:
•How to better integrate Internet technology into society,
•Investigations into Internet voting,
•Using the Internet for enhancing public participation,
•Addressing issues of social equity and access, or
•Enhanced consumer protection safeguards.
Projects focussing on local, regional and national community groups and organisations.
Research activities that directly benefit the Australian community.
Exploring technologies for improving access to the Internet for regional, rural and remote communities.
Improving access for disadvantaged groups.
Techniques for applying Internet technology to address social and environmental needs.
In general, the auDA Foundation will not support:
•Training proposals that provide generic IT training, (such as introduction into social networking or trading websites) rather than focusing specifically on Internet use;
•Website design (such as development of a new website or redesign of existing website) , rather than focusing specifically on delivery of the project using the website;
•Applications that will likely be established in direct opposition to existing commercial enterprises;
•Applications that replicate research currently being undertaken on a commercial basis;
•The provision of funds for overseas travel;
•Applications seeking IT equipment for general purpose training rooms; and/or
•Marketing or market research activities, even where that research is about website usage.
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Applications That Will Not Be Accepted
The following types of applications will not be considered:
•Projects for a religious, political or sectarian purpose;
•Requests for sponsorship;
•Endowments, memorials or named academic chairs;
•Retrospective costs;
•Projects whose main focus is outside of Australia;
•General fundraising appeals; and/or
•General operational or administrative functions, including for example:
◦secure transaction functionality,
◦online search functions, or
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Eligible Applicants
Applications must be from:
•An Australian registered not-for-profit organisation (registered or established under a Commonwealth, State or Territory law, such as a company, partnership or association) or research institution. Profit-making organisations may also apply, but need to articulate their preferred mechanism for establishing a separate not-for-profit entity.
•Student applicants must provide proof of enrolment in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree course at an Australian university.
•Individuals who are not students are not eligible to apply for funding. They can however, submit an application that is sponsored and authorised by an eligible organisation.
Applicants may submit more that one proposal. However, the Board is unlikely to fund more than one proposal per applicant.
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Selection Criteria
The Board will assess all eligible proposals against the following criteria:
•The proposal meets the objectives of the auDA Foundation Charter.
•There is a demonstrated need to be addressed.
•There are clear social, environmental and/or other outcomes.
•The proposal strives for sustainability beyond the auDA Foundation funding period.
•The proposal supports the applicant's organisational development.
•The applicant has a demonstrated capacity to implement the project.
•There is demonstrated support from relevant stakeholders.
•The project is well-prepared, appropriately planned and financially viable.
•The applicant has made an appropriate in-kind or financial contribution.
•The project offers value for money.
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Grant Conditions
To satisfy the provisions of auDA Foundation, the following standard conditions will apply to all grants approved.
The grantee will use the whole of the grant exclusively for the project described in the application and not for any other purpose.
Where the grantee is registered for GST, project and other costs submitted in support of the application must be exclusive of GST. Where the grantee is not registered for GST, project and other costs submitted in support of the application must be inclusive of GST.
Grants will only be paid when auDA Foundation is satisfied that all requirements of the grant application package have been met.
Grants may be paid in a lump sum or in instalments at the discretion of auDA Foundation. Where grants are paid in instalments, payments will be subject to satisfactory compliance with the grant reporting requirements (see next section).
The grantee will use its best endeavours to complete the project within the time frame specified in the application. The grantee will promptly advise auDA Foundation of any change that may affect the grantee's ability to undertake or complete the project within the allotted time.
The grantee will maintain appropriate records to enable the use of grant funds to be identified.
The grantee will acknowledge the assistance of auDA Foundation in any published or displayed material. The grantee gives to auDA Foundation, a non-exclusive royalty-free perpetual licence to reproduce and to communicate to the public, such published or displayed material. The grantee otherwise retains all intellectual property rights in all works produced by the grantee from the grant funds.
The grantee will report progress while undertaking the project and when the project is completed. Reporting requirements are outlined in the grant reporting requirements (see next section).
Activities must be undertaken in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.
The project must comply with the standards and guidelines established by the Australian Human Rights and equal Opportunity Commission
Comply with such other additional conditions specified by auDA Foundation in approving the grant.
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Reporting Requirements
Progress Reports
Reports on the progress of the project must be provided to auDA Foundation in writing on a quarterly basis. These reports must include, in addition to any other requirement that may be specified by auDA Foundation from time to time, the following information:
•Details of all participants in the project
•A description of the project and its objectives
•The achievements made in the past quarter
•Details of all or any publication made as part of the project
•Details of how the grant funds have been applied
•Whether there are any changes to the project, or deviation
•From the original project plan, and if so, why
•The plans and objectives for the forthcoming quarter.
Final Report
The grantee will provide a final report to the auDA Foundation within two months of completion of the project. This report must include, in addition to any other requirement that may be specified by auDA Foundation from time to time, the following information:
•Details of all participants in the project
•A description of the project and its objectives
•The achievements made in the project, and whether that is consistent with the objectives of the project and with the project plan
•Your own appraisal of the results achieved with the grant
•Details of any obstacles or difficulties experienced
•Details of all or any publication made as part of the project
•Details of how the grant funds have been applied including
•A full accounting of all funds allocated to this project, itemised in a manner consistent with the original project plan and approved budget (if any).
The grantee must, at the request of auDA Foundation, provide auDA Foundation with copies of all relevant source documents (such as, but not limited to, receipts for expenses) to substantiate the information contained in the report.
Previous Grant recipients