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Good news story


Top Contributor
I thought I'd share a good little story I was involved in about a sale from OMG to an end-user.

A mate of mine runs a retail business and I've been helping him out with some SEO and content for his website. I looked up the exact match domain for his main product and noticed that OMG had one of their parking sites on there.

I emailed OMG and they came back and asked for an offer. A day of negotiating later and we agreed on a price that was less than half what I expected to pay.

It was still a $x,xxx sale, but at more of a domainer's price than an end user's price.

OMG were really great through the whole process, and even offered to change the nameservers straight away so we could get started on the site while the transfer went through.

So don't be disheartened if a domain you want is owned by OMG, because from my experience they definitely seem to be happy to sell at reasonable prices.

It's good to see another premium exact match domain go to an end user too.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I thought I'd share a good little story I was involved in about a sale from OMG to an end-user.

A mate of mine runs a retail business and I've been helping him out with some SEO and content for his website. I looked up the exact match domain for his main product and noticed that OMG had one of their parking sites on there.

I emailed OMG and they came back and asked for an offer. A day of negotiating later and we agreed on a price that was less than half what I expected to pay.

It was still a $x,xxx sale, but at more of a domainer's price than an end user's price.

OMG were really great through the whole process, and even offered to change the nameservers straight away so we could get started on the site while the transfer went through.

So don't be disheartened if a domain you want is owned by OMG, because from my experience they definitely seem to be happy to sell at reasonable prices.

It's good to see another premium exact match domain go to an end user too.

You may wish to expand a bit ........who did you contact (section or person)

Was it all by email or by phone ?

Did they require payment first ?

Plus any other matters that may help others please




Top Contributor
You may wish to expand a bit ........who did you contact (section or person)

Was it all by email or by phone ?

Did they require payment first ?

Plus any other matters that may help others please



It wasn't meant to be a "how to" article, but I can say that the process was initiated via the contact page on their website, then everything was done via email.

Payment was certainly required up front, but there's minimal risk (in my opinion) when dealing with a company of their size.

Other than that there's not much I can say. It's just like any other negotiation, be it a domain name or whatever else.


Top Contributor
Nice one mate congrats on the sale....

Always a good rush having a big sale =) best thing is to crack a few drinks after the sale...

I need to get that feeling again soon been a while since ive had a big sale ;)

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Nice one mate congrats on the sale....

Always a good rush having a big sale =) best thing is to crack a few drinks after the sale...

I need to get that feeling again soon been a while since ive had a big sale ;)

This was about a purchase ?

From Omg



It is good to hear that OMG are open to negotiating. Your first reaction to seeing them as owners of a domain is that there's no way you're going to be able to get it, at a reasonable price.
So it's good to hear that they're open to offers, willing to negotiate, and professional with handling the process.

This is the kind of case study/advice that makes DNT a seriously useful forum for the industry.

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