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Revamp of DN Trade


Top Contributor
Thanks for the update FirstPage,

But why VB? Why not IPBoard, for example? :(

Believe me, we have done exhaustive research..

I have an IPB license and we looked at switching, but we found most people prefer VB to IPB. Also, switching platforms can upset an existing community.

If I was creating a brand new site, I'd probably go with IPB though. Can I ask why do you prefer IPB?


Top Contributor
Its kinda funny....i like the older VB versions best. Ive been too scared to upgrade until the VB4.x bugs are finally laid to rest.


Top Contributor

After observing upgrades on several other VB forums recently and some careful consideration, we have decided to further delay rolling out the update for the time being.

Thanks for your patience while we work through the bugs and issues of VB4. It's important to us that we get it right before launching the whole new look. I will keep you posted as to progress.

In the meantime, we will be freshening up the existing DNT somewhat. If you look at the right hand side, you will see that we have some "guest articles" kindly provided by Erhan from Cooper Mills; Mark from Netfleet; and Mike from Domain Guardians. We hope you find them interesting, and feel free to post comments in the normal fashion.

We'll be providing new articles each week on issues that affect domainers.


Top Contributor
My suggestion would be to dump a bunch of the forums. Worth trying but some of the forums that only have a post or two probably don't justify homepage space.

Or maybe you can shuffle them into subforums?


Top Contributor
My suggestion would be to dump a bunch of the forums. Worth trying but some of the forums that only have a post or two probably don't justify homepage space.

Or maybe you can shuffle them into subforums?

Thanks for the input David. We'd planned to re-organise the forums during the upgrade, but will look at making some changes sooner.

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