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ShowTime Event Manager


Top Contributor
Hey All,

Just want to introduce a little project of mine; it's called ShowTime Event Manager, and me and a partner have developed it for Windows PC's! We created this as we are both involved in concert production; he is a Stage Manager, me a Technical Director.

The software is described as this: ShowTime Event Manager is a unique program providing detailed, structured and intuitively organized information, functions, and tools, to the backstage crew of the theatrical and live music industry.

We'd love for you to take a look at our new site, http:/www.showtimeeventmanager.com/. Please feel free to watch our video or contact us! Feedback on the site is also appreciated! :)

Cheers guys,


Top Contributor
Hey Scott - I just looked at the site, and these are my initial thoughts (for whatever they are worth!):

1. The video is a good idea - but why don't you do a voiceover to explain each step? You may think your audience knows what you're offering, but imo it helps to have a voice explain it as well!

2. Why haven't you regged the .com.au as well? ;)


Top Contributor
Thanks for the feedback Ned!

1. We're doing Live Concert beta testing in 10 days; I am planning to do a video cover for that, we're I will walk through the software.

2. Well, we aren't a registered business yet; I could, but not sure if this will take off or not...


Top Contributor
2. Well, we aren't a registered business yet;

So ? It's $20.

I watched the video and still don't have much idea what it is. I'm not in that type of business though.

Some clicking was going on off screen on the video which was annoying as it made me have less idea.

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