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Top Contributor
A lot of the complaints seem to be directed at the price and not the product itself; God forbid anyone make some money.
Well at the end of the day business is all about providing more "value" than the "cost" of the product and a lot of people aren't seeing that value.

I think with a product like this you need a higher earnings per visitor for it to offer value.

I think most web developers would value their visitors at like less $0.10 therefore it makes products like this marginal plus it still has the added risk of Google devaluing all the links, if not a penalty, in the future.

The big question is if at that price will MS be able to stay ahead of the competition and convince people that the $97 will always be worth paying. As a number of people have also pointed out in the comments, cheaper (albeit less complete) services are available and with the nature of the internet it normally doesn't take very long for someone to come out with something that is comparable at a cheaper price.

My thinking that this sort of marketing has an expiry date on it, whether that's 6 months from now or 3 years is unknown, but MS are going to try and make bank between now and then.


How can anyone offer an honest review when it's only been live for 1 day? I'm willing to give it a go for a month or 2. Compared to the cost of other SEO services, it isn't really a lot of money.
That is true.

The thing is, if this "offering" motivates some people to get off their butt's and do something, then it's good. Because doing something is better than doing nothing. ;)
Also true - to a degree. Doing lots of the wrong thing might be more trouble than it's worth, not to mention money and time wasted. This offer definitely has some questions marks on it. Worth a try, yes, worth building your business strategy around, no.


Archived Member
Well at the end of the day business is all about providing more "value" than the "cost" of the product and a lot of people aren't seeing that value.

Given they've sold their quota of 500, I think they've done fine in providing value. A lot of people are saying it's just scarcity tactics but given they are manually reviewing each and every article, it wouldn't surprise me if they indeed want to cap it at 500 for the time being. That's a lot of manual labour as is and I'm sure they want to speed up approval times as quickly as possible.

I think with a product like this you need a higher earnings per visitor for it to offer value.

I think most web developers would value their visitors at like less $0.10 therefore it makes products like this marginal plus it still has the added risk of Google devaluing all the links, if not a penalty, in the future.

More generalised bullshit.. depending on the niche, traffic can be valued at various amounts.

Why would Google devalue these links or penalise a site (I don't buy that Google penalise anything offsite anyway but simply devalue if need be). Google syndicates news articles all the time as do other large publishers.

The big question is if at that price will MS be able to stay ahead of the competition and convince people that the $97 will always be worth paying. As a number of people have also pointed out in the comments, cheaper (albeit less complete) services are available and with the nature of the internet it normally doesn't take very long for someone to come out with something that is comparable at a cheaper price.

My thinking that this sort of marketing has an expiry date on it, whether that's 6 months from now or 3 years is unknown, but MS are going to try and make bank between now and then.

$97 is reasonable considering the cost you would incur if you subscribed to the most popular paid blog networks such as AMA or UAW would be over the price of AS every month.

My thinking is that most people don't understand how the product works, how it acts as a front end for these private networks which cost money every month (hence monthly cost on AS) but think it is comparable to submitting articles to EZA, Go Articles etc. It's not; it's completely different.

Article submission/syndication sites such as UAW, AMA and a few more. These services each cost between $50-$100 per month. They are also nothing like programs like AMR.

No offense but the only people bitching about this IMO are those not making any money, feel hard done by and have a sense of self-entitlement. They probably want to use the program but can't justify it because they aren't producing any income. I am and $97 is more than within budget to give it a go. Trust me, I will be the first person to shit all over it if it doesn't produce reasonable results for the price paid.

Doing lots of the wrong thing might be more trouble than it's worth, not to mention money and time wasted. This offer definitely has some questions marks on it. Worth a try, yes, worth building your business strategy around, no.

Where did they ever say that this program should and can be used to build your business strategy around? Oh, that's right.. they didn't. If you're not willing to start something online just because it might fail, there is no helping you at all regardless of what software you use.
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Top Contributor
A lot of the complaints seem to be directed at the price and not the product itself; God forbid anyone make some money. How can anyone offer an honest review when it's only been live for 1 day? I'm willing to give it a go for a month or 2. Compared to the cost of other SEO services, it isn't really a lot of money.
I agree, that plus the use ContentBoss for spinning.

I got it yesterday at lunch so I'm not sure what's up with the launch today/last night.
Me too, not sure what was up with that. :)


Archived Member
I thought I'd post an update to this..

I ended up cancelling as many of my articles were being knocked back for editorial reasons such as author name, title and content - I didn't agree and found it frustrating to be knocked back a few times, I just don't have the patience to go back an edit them a 3rd or 4th time.

It is interesting to note that articles that go out to the blog network appear to be published automatically with no editorial control and continued to be published even after you have cancelled (still getting pingbacks and fresh links daily) but articles that go out to the article syndication network are the only ones being manually approved.

I didn't see much improvement or degradation of rankings but I didn't stick around long enough to get a clearer picture either; approvals far too tight.


Top Contributor
I thought I'd post an update to this..

I ended up cancelling as many of my articles were being knocked back for editorial reasons such as author name, title and content - I didn't agree and found it frustrating to be knocked back a few times, I just don't have the patience to go back an edit them a 3rd or 4th time.

Sorry to hear that Jonathan.

What has been your experience Oz? Or anyone else that signed up?


Top Contributor
Just a follow up on this. Got an email from Noble Samurai yesterday, and they are re-opening this offer on Friday.

I publish this just for interest sake - I never purchased it. I know payattention did (and wasn't particularly happy). A couple of other people purchased it, but I didn't get any feedback from them.

It's been a long wait, but Article Samurai is Re-Opening at 10:00am THIS Friday 9th December US Pacific time, and we want to give you early access so you don't miss out again.

When we unveiled Article Samurai 4 months ago the response was unbelievable. In fact, for around 20 minutes, there were so many people trying to grab a subscription to Article Samurai that our servers went down.

And when they came back online, Article Samurai sold out in 13 minutes FLAT. That kind of response is simply unheard of, even for an internet marketing launch...

The good news is, because you signed up to our 'Secrets of the SEO Pros' video course, we're going to allow you to get early access THIS Friday 9th December at 10:00am US Pacific time, BEFORE we open up to 400,000+ other Market Samurai users.

What is Article Samurai?

As you already know, the current search engine situation sucks. It's almost impossible to get rankings these days - even for the "easy" keywords.

Well, that is unless you have Article Samurai in your arsenal...

You see, to have any chance of Ranking these days, YOU NEED links, and lots of them. And Article Samurai is hands down, the easiest, fastest, and most effective way to build tens of thousands of links to your website, without needing bucket loads of cash, or an army of outsourcers.

It allows you to, write, spin, review, categorise, and syndicate your articles to the largest and most diverse network of over 50,000 websites and blogs, in less than 10 minutes.

No other tool or service in the world can build you tens of thousands of links, as quickly and easily as Article Samurai can!

............................. etc

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