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Top Contributor
Hi Joel - welcome.

Can you be a bit more chatty? We're all friendly. :)

Where are you located - what sort of domains you into to - etc .....


Can you be a bit more chatty? We're all friendly. :)
Well, I could do a song, but in my current state of not having slept yet, and still another 6 hours to go, it's probably better I contain myself at this present time :)

Where are you located

Where are you located - what sort of domains you into to - etc .....
Generally available ones :p However having hit a hurdle I registered here :D


Top Contributor
The reason I ask is that we have usergroups. I now know to put you in the "smart arse" group
I believe he stated his location was Melbourne, i would suggest the "insanity" group would be more appropriate. :)


Top Contributor
Welcome. I was wondering for a sec why I thought you'd already introduced yourself then I remembered you were from VentraIP :)


Top Contributor
Hi Joel!

Hope you make the switch from 'available' to 'for sale' nice and easily!




Another night at the keyboard for me...

The reason I ask is that we have usergroups. I now know to put you in the "smart arse" group. :p
What you didn't have a "smart arse" group to begin with, I thought this just came standard now in all vBulletin installs? :D :p Give a man a keyboard, some anonimity and "smart ass" just becomes Step 1 of the Zen guide to becoming an Internet Troll. :)

I believe he stated his location was Melbourne, i would suggest the "insanity" group would be more appropriate. :)
Just because we can do the mexican shuffle down here doesn't make us insane, just "mentally challenged."

welcome Joel! As you are in Melbourne we look forward to meeting you at our next domainer function which is likely to be in September
What happens at these "domainer functions?" Appreciate the invite, however I'm not really a "domainer" in terms of buy & sell. I buy, to use, with hardly an intention to sell :D


Top Contributor
Welcome home Joel!

Man, the things people have out for Melburnians these days...who woulda thunk it...

We actually have usergroups on here? Got to find out more about that....

Good to see a little bit of banter on here, troll or not, smart arse or not :) enjoy the experience!

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