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Google Plus


Top Contributor
mark@paz.id.au if anyone is generous enough to give me an invite

I believe that it is only open to gmail addresses at this stage, though they will open up to google apps soon I believe, last I heard

EDIT: I guess I'm wrong seeing as it looks like you've got it now
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Top Contributor
My Hotmail address was associated with my Google account too. I guess that's why it worked.

Mike Robertson

Top Contributor
Yeah it's a bit confusing, how to invite people. I found a site explains it best, though it is a hack, read more here.

A simple trick to invite people to Google plus-

1. Create a post. I suggest something that explains that the post is being used to invite them to Google+, also explaining that invites are being limited. (They will get that post in an email with the first few words as the subject line)

2a. Inviting by suggested contact list: Create a circle with everyone you want to invite in your contact list (I created one called, creatively, “Invitees”). Add that circle under “Share”
2b. Inviting by email: Typing their names directly into the box under what you want to share, where it says “+Add more people.”

3. Hit share.

So basically, create a Circle (here), on that same page, click the "Add a new person" link and start populating that "Circle".

Then go back to your home page and create a Status update and only send it to that newly created Circle.

If anyone is looking for an invite, let me know and I'll try and hook them up. It's been hit and miss the last few I've sent, so no guarantees.

And anyone that's using G+, feel free to add me to their "Circle".



Top Contributor
Thanks for the help there Mike, I'll give it a go later this arvo.

If anyone is looking for an invite, let me know and I'll try and hook them up. It's been hit and miss the last few I've sent, so no guarantees.


Also feel free to add me to your circles.



Yeah it's a bit confusing, how to invite people. I found a site explains it best, though it is a hack, read more here.

So basically, create a Circle (here), on that same page, click the "Add a new person" link and start populating that "Circle".

Then go back to your home page and create a Status update and only send it to that newly created Circle.

If anyone is looking for an invite, let me know and I'll try and hook them up. It's been hit and miss the last few I've sent, so no guarantees.

And anyone that's using G+, feel free to add me to their "Circle".


Thanks for the help there Mike, I'll give it a go later this arvo.


Also feel free to add me to your circles.



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