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The Recent Registrations Thread


Top Contributor
That's a great catch Rhythm as was GPU & wifi.

Looks like the alternate spelling jujitsu is a little more popular in Aus but nevetheless it's a great domain for reg fee.

Oh and this thread is all about recent reg's so keep them coming!
investment property calculator.com.au

Want to use this domain to sell excel property calculator and to provide a free version. I think this domain is good for SEO purpose.



New Member
ibeach.com.au - just developing it as a local surf related photo blog to run adsense

surfbiz.com.au - no sure what to do with this?


Top Contributor


I'll be heading there in april to take photos and enjoy the area... might as well make it a tax deduction.


Top Contributor
sorry... that's DiscoverHobart.com.au

i must be going crazy.
Going to Hobart ... so i've registered DiscoverHobart.com.au


Hahaha, that was like my idea for seemelbourne.com.au, got lazy and didnt do much with it really. Now it just sits there :(


Top Contributor
I think the idea is a good one... go to Melbourne, take lots of photos and it's tax deductable (assuming you'll make a site out of it).

If some of my big projects come through (and i'll get some $$$), we'll be heading to FrenchPolynesia in Tahiti ... in order to get the content (photos / videos) for DiscoverFrenchPolynesia.com


haha nice one don, interesting play on words there domainlover, you could do good with the search engines if you build it up, got any plans for it?


Top Contributor

Yeh, i'll check out the hotels there when it get closer to the day when i make the $$$. Hopefully they're not too expensive.


Top Contributor

Registered HydroEnergy.com.au ... as i'm currently doing some projects in the energy space.

Probably will be worth something eventually in the 5-10 year region.

Can't wait till the new domain pricing comes into effect... so i can shave $6 of the reg fee


Top Contributor
That's a nice one.

We have HydroElectricPower.com.au amongst other green energy domains. I think these sorts of domains will do well into the future


Top Contributor
I agree.

I just wish i could have registered carbontrading.com.au or carbonmarket.com.au

Those would be worth a fortune now... oh well.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
decided to grab 222.net.au the last of the tripple nnn's

do you think the victoms of black saturday imagined they were on a camping trip ?

yep what a shocker


Top Contributor
OK, so I've basically been getting generic .net.au's that I'm surprised are still available since all .com.au's are pretty much taken.

Keywords are for the most part usually for niche industries I'm familiar with (that have a reasonably healthy google search numbers) and that I know I can develop site content for.

Now I'm looking into hosting and site content options. Though it's easier said than done.
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Top Contributor
Some great domains Rhythm - well done.

I think a lot of people (me included) have overlooked net.au's to some extent. If you look at the actual sales, a very healthy proportion of them have been net.au. I think that this shows that end-users don't discriminate as harshly as perhaps we do.

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