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Beware of SEO's who guarantee results!!


Archived Member
Gym Idiots is nothing more than a test to see how Likes impact on rankings because unlike you, I actually test shit. The site doesn't make any money nor gets any organic traffic (on page doesn't matter in other words). Then again, I'm not going around sharing it as part of my portfolio as you do with your own.

I'm sure you must feel clever now.
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Top Contributor
Please try and be civil!

I am opposed to censorship unless absolutely necessary.

I believe everybody has the right to express forthright opinions, and raise any topics, or debate any issues.

But please note, respect and civility to other DNT members is paramount. Believe it or not, it is still possible to get your message across! ;)


Top Contributor
Gym Idiots is nothing more than a test to see how Likes impact on rankings because unlike you, I actually test shit. The site doesn't make any money nor gets any organic traffic (on page doesn't matter in other words). Then again, I'm not going around sharing it as part of my portfolio as you do with your own.

I'm sure you must feel clever now.

yeah I do not test any thing, I guess you know.

Let me show a direct post you made about social ranking factors -


Yeah I don't test likes do I :S

These sites listed on my personal blog are just random sites I own, these are not in a SEO portfolio or are used as case studies.
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Archived Member
James, come back when you are actually setting up sites for testing purposes and not just copypasta GA from an established site which you don't even own. Are you really that clueless? No wonder people hate social media "experts".

I mean.. I get it. You have a cushy job where you post a few links on Twitter and Facebook while surfing the net all day and pretend it has ROI in order to keep your job but if you don't want to be criticised, you shouldn't openly attack other SEO companies.
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Top Contributor
I did not target any SEO companies at all in my post, I am talking about the methods used by some companies to lure in customers and rip them off.

Can you please point to where I have named a company?

Furthermore I have no reason to lie to people about GA reports, who do I have to impress.

I think you need to grow up and stop acting like a child with your posts, any one who has done business with me in the past knows what I am like.



Top Contributor
Please keep it civil!

Again, can I please ask that everyone keep it civil; and not resort to personal attacks.

Debate all you like, say the other person is wrong or right; give your reasons etc etc. That's absolutely fine.
But I think most of us on here want a friendly forum (as best as possible).

To use a sporting analogy, please play the ball and not the man.


Top Contributor
Again, can I please ask that everyone keep it civil; and not resort to personal attacks.
Hear! Hear!
I thought I was the only one that J.B. Has a problem with.
Apparently Not.

J.B I don't create "Test Sites" either , I am too busy working making all those lovely "duplicate content minisites" you have a problem with, but my clients DON't have a problem with.

And before you say it, I don't have a CUSHY job surfing the net either.
I am a wheelchair bound internet geek that created ALL of my empire (500+ sites) from HARD work, Not by critizising and denigrating anyone that didn't agree with my ideas. Try walking a mile in my shoes (that is if I could wear shoes which I can't). James Norquay is a WELL respected Domainer and internet PROFESSIONAL , one day you may be good enough and respected enough to be his equal. Your crass and often foul-mouthed posts do little to give your arguments credibility and VALIDITY.
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It is ridiculous to guarantee any results.

I think if these companies were guaranteeing results like that in a free to air TV ad the ACCC or similar would be all over them unless it was worded and presented very carefully.

There is no doubt in my mind that these claims are made to draw the customer in who thinks they can rank well for terms such as "Plumber" with their rubbish Dreamweaver hack job and then some clever salesmen eases them into more realistic expectations and get the sale.

I do enjoy when you argue to show us how smart you are though, Johnathan.

It is like guaranteeing a parking spot right next to the door at the busiest supermarket in Australia 24/7 when you have no agreement with the car park owner or any real power. So you say "well actually thats not possible, however we can guarantee you a spot not far away though because it is usually empty and we have some techniques that sometimes work".


Top Contributor
I am most definitely in agreement with you Paz. You may be able to guarantee an increase in traffice (Eg. 50% increase) but only after seeing the site.


Archived Member
OK, so I took things a little too far yesterday and let emotion get the better of me. I still stand behind what I said but I could have done so without making it so personal. Apologies if I offended anyone, it wasn't my intent.


OK, so I took things a little too far yesterday and let emotion get the better of me. I still stand behind what I said but I could have done so without making it so personal. Apologies if I offended anyone, it wasn't my intent.

I love this forum


Top Contributor
OK, so I took things a little too far yesterday and let emotion get the better of me. I still stand behind what I said but I could have done so without making it so personal. Apologies if I offended anyone, it wasn't my intent.

Jonathan - you are always forthright, and you do make a lot of sense most of the time. Therefore your contributions are appreciated.

Nobody expects everyone to agree with each other all of the time - that's what makes for a good forum.

As long as we can keep the disagreements from becoming too personal, then we all win.

I thank you for your apology for yesterday. Respect! :)


Top Contributor
At the end of the day I think a little passion is not a bad thing - I like reading about people attacking conventional wisdom, getting off the sideline and standing for something - of course most of this can be done without name calling or personal attacks.

To use a sporting analogy, please play the ball and not the man.

OK, so I took things a little too far yesterday and let emotion get the better of me. I still stand behind what I said but I could have done so without making it so personal. Apologies if I offended anyone, it wasn't my intent.

As long as we can keep the disagreements from becoming too personal, then we all win.

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