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Website Not Good Enough For Google


Top Contributor
I own the domain www.glutenfree.com.au and I gave it to my 14 year old daughter to build a website.

Now its been marked as a spammy website from nearly 2 years ago when it was put up with 500 websites at once with all the same content by someone I paid to put up some blogs for me ( long story, won't go into it )

So I thought no problems, I'll just ask Google for re-consideration, this has been going on for nearly 6 weeks now and I just got an answer after 2 goes.

I've been told it does not meet Google's guidelines, the only thing I can see is it probably has no content like gluten free products, no diets.

It does have text about the menu items, can maybe someone give me a third party opinion as to why it's not up to scratch?

Be nice to me, as it was built by my 14 year old daughter. :D



Top Contributor
The downside of dealing with Google is they are never going to give you a 123 list of what to change to get back in their index.

That said, I think you need to think from the perspective of the reinclusion editor, and how they would see your site. I'm betting that when they looked at the site the first thing they thought was the only point of the site is to generate revenue from AdSense.

One of the things to take away from the Google panda algorithm update, it's that thin content sites that don't add lots of value and are primarily to generating AdSense revenue are well and truly on their way out.

a fair bit of the commentary surrounding the Panda update suggests that now you need to be worrying not just about making sure your content is unique and original, but that things like correct spelling, presentable formatting, useful images, site speed and a higher proportion of valuable content relative to ads are all of increasing importance.

Best thing I can suggest that you do is have a look at the other top 10 results for a term like "gluten free diets" and see what those sites integrated into them that yours doesn't.

Long story short, your site not only needs to have unique content with good SEO, it also needs to be presented well.

My tip, install WordPress, create a custom theme (or least significantly tweaked a free one), make sure the theme puts your content front and centre, stop cramming keywords in the title tag and stop writing articles purely to target obvious keywords.

I'm not saying that I produced the world's most amazing websites or that I don't target certain keywords, but there's something to be said about at least giving the "impression" that you site is about more than just AdSense revenue.

More importantly than all this, and especially with the human editor reviewing your site for reinclusion, you need to remember the most important thing, "don't make Google look stupid" and I am sorry to say that with the site in its current form wouldn't exactly make Google look good if it sent its visitors there.

Best of luck.


Top Contributor
Fantastic advice above. He hinted at it but serioursly, 3 adsense blocks within one page (not even a scrolled page) is too much. The current look of it is as cncventure has said, is a site that is devoted to earning adsense revenue


Top Contributor
I wouldn't even put ads on the website, ask for a re inclusion then put the ads back on..


Top Contributor
Thanks for the feedback, looks like Dad's going to have to get more involved with the development of the website.
Most of what was said was probably what I thought, just needed some others to say it as well.



Top Contributor
This review of the Panda update is worth a read even if it isn't affecting your site. It's still a good read about where Google is headed and what they are not tolerating anymore:


I may be lucky/unlucky enough to have been on the receiving end of a couple Google slaps, penalties and deindexings (occasional reinclusion) over the years to know that going forward in the online marketing and web development game that it's not about building for Google's standards today, it's about building webspam... err... I mean the quality content for the future.


Seriously I'm kidding, but the trend is real, and Google is innovating faster and the web is getting bigger faster, and given that search rankings are a relative game, if more content is coming online faster and your content isn't keeping up to speed that means it's falling behind and we all know what happens when you drop even a couple of rankings in the Google SERPs!

* Can you tell that the Panda update coupled with the plethora of content coming online has worried me a bit.



Archived Member
The site isn't breaking any of the Adsense rules and it's a little bit silly (I'd love to say ignorant..oopss... just did!) to suggest that's the reason a reconsideration request was not approved. In fact, the ad placement is very tame and not optimised.

Sounds to me like Cncventure is just repeating what he read online; example being the Shoemoney quote "don't make Google look stupid" and talking about Panda when this issue obviously has nothing to do with that update at all.

There is nothing wrong with the site. It's not a Google requirement or condition that you have the best design in order to be indexed; the amount of crap they serve up is a testament to that.

I checked the content, it's original and well written; no copied content. There is nothing wrong with the title tags either or really anything else. Amatuer site? Yes but so what? Sometimes they're the best performers! Avoid switching to Wordpress unless it's a change you want to make. Don't do it for the sake of uploading some unique theme as cncventure suggests because that is not the issue here.

IMO, the problem is that the Google employee was being lazy or didn't take all the facts into account. They probably looked at why it was removed last time around and assumed nothing had changed after looking at the site for 2 seconds. They are not held accountable to you or anyone else at the company.

You could try again but I think your time would be better spent moving onto another domain.
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Top Contributor
The site isn't breaking any of the Adsense rules
Actually it DOES break the "Made for Adsense SITE" Rule.

As others above have also said, I would only have 1 Banner ad.
Place it just under the Header or swap it for a 160*600 skyscraper in a sidebar.
Add a couple Graphics in text. and maybe place a border around the site.
Otherwise it is a nice little Site. Daughter did a reasonable job. (Better than WTF is this)
PM anytime for advice about AdsenseSites with over 500 completed and all bar 1 Currently running adsense
I think I know a little about placement, number, and content needed for Google Adsense.
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Top Contributor
Good points everyone.
Lets face it, we are talking a 14 year old girl's first attempt at building a website, maybe I should have put more effort into the design, but she needs to learn herself.

The adsense I will remove for the next reconsideration, even though it's not breaking any of their rules by having 3 leaders on each page.

The content was written by textbroker and as Jonathan pointed out is 100% unique, my daughter paid for it with her own saved money.

I feel sorry for her as it is a huge search term and if and when we get it on G, I am sure she will make some nice pocket money from it.

Now as far as website software to use, I personally don't think it makes any difference as I use xsitepro which is the same she used for this and have numerous number 1 websites.

I've also used wordpress and joomla, only because I've had to from websites built for me, they are good also.

Everyone has there favourites, mine is xsitepro.

My gripe with Google is they don't tell you what it is exactly they are not happy with.



Archived Member
Actually it DOES break the "Made for Adsense SITE" Rule.

Which rule would that be? I think you are giving an opinion that it's MFA when it's just as easy to argue that it was not. I doubt a 14 year old girl started her first site with MFA in mind.

As others above have also said, I would only have 1 Banner ad.
Place it just under the Header or swap it for a 160*600 skyscraper in a sidebar.
Add a couple Graphics in text. and maybe place a border around the site.
Otherwise it is a nice little Site. Daughter did a reasonable job. (Better than WTF is this)
PM anytime for advice about AdsenseSites with over 500 completed and all bar 1 Currently running adsense
I think I know a little about placement, number, and content needed for Google Adsense.

Djuqa, spurting off at the mouth again mate? Go to the bathroom, get some toilet paper and wipe the shit from your mouth. I trade under my own name and am entitled to own that domain name. I know you go around acting like an auDA enforcer but my domain is used for my business. BTW, you should really get your own shit in order before accusing others.

We've all seen your mini sites as well, you have a large portfolio of MFA that should be deindexed because they are full of stolen content and Adsense. In otherwords, they offer no value at all. Anyone who takes your advice would be quite foolish to act upon it.
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Top Contributor
The site looks like an MFA site to me. If this site has been marked as having issues before then it is no surprise that Google still have issues with it.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
My first impression was that the ad blocks seemed 'wrong' ...... just looked out of place and even if not intentional .......Mfa

However as Don stated .... it is a great name and deserves to be expanded on, the good news is a 14 year old has much ahead of her, this really is a very small hurdle in the big scheme of things

Would linking to some quality similar content sites help with another resubmission , are you allowed to write anything when resubmitting i wonder ?

Any good book affiliates for this subject ?

Maybe a facebook page would help ?

good luck


Top Contributor
Please keep it civil!

We don't mind passionate exchanges of views, but civility is important.

Also, please can we keep on message as best as possible, and not divert threads from the original subject.

And if we get any "stirring" posts from unknown or unverified posters, these will be deleted. Simple as that.


Top Contributor
I trade under my own name and am entitled to own that domain name. I know you go around acting like an auDA enforcer but my domain is used for my business. BTW, you should really get your own shit in order before accusing others.

We've all seen your mini sites as well, you have a large portfolio of MFA that should be deindexed because they are full of stolen content and Adsense. In otherwords, they offer no value at all. Anyone who takes your advice would be quite foolish to act upon it.

davidunderhill.com.au is
1/ not my SITE or domain
2/ yes it is my Mobile number , abn and Company name but NOT any of my EMAIL Addresses that is listed
3/ I live at 28 fisher street CLIFTON 4361 Queensland NOT VICTORIA HILL 4361.
4/ I will be advising auDA , google (it appears to be created using their joint venture with MYOB) and Federal Police for that Malicious intent SITE that was fraudulantly registered in MY NAME.
5/ Whoever created it is not a NICE person.
6/ MFA sites are against Google Rules.
7/ MY sites are NOT full of STOLEN CONTENT, all articles are used with permission of their authors. ALL sites have been approved by google and have survived the PANDA update. Your un-factual assertions about my minisites are getting a little tiresome.
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Archived Member
We don't mind passionate exchanges of views, but civility is important.

Also, please can we keep on message as best as possible, and not divert threads from the original subject.

And if we get any "stirring" posts from unknown or unverified posters, these will be deleted. Simple as that.

That's more than fair but I did not stir anyone until Djqua referenced a site that I use as part of my business as "WTF is this". All my responses prior to that had nothing to do with Djqua and only the OP. It would appear he has some grudge or personal issue with me.

davidunderhill.com.au is
1/ not my SITE or domain
2/ yes it is my Mobile number , abn and Company name but NOT any of my EMAIL Addresses that is listed
3/ I live at 28 fisher street CLIFTON 4361 Queensland NOT VICTORIA HILL 4361.
4/ I will be advising auDA , google (it appears to be created using their joint venture with MYOB) and Federal Police for that Malicious intent SITE that was fraudulantly registered in MY NAME.
5/ Whoever created it is not a NICE person.
6/ MFA sites are against Google Rules.
7/ MY sites are NOT full of STOLEN CONTENT, all articles are used with permission of their authors. ALL sites have been approved by google and have survived the PANDA update. Your un-factual assertions about my minisites are getting a little tiresome.

Just for the record, I did not create this site and any investigation (unlikely) by the cyber police would prove that.

Your sites are full of stolen content as you source your articles from EzineArticles but do not cite or include the author sig; a requirement when using EzineArticles. That's theft in my book.


Top Contributor
Your sites are full of stolen content as you source your articles from EzineArticles but do not cite or include the author sig; a requirement when using EzineArticles. That's theft in my book

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=663723&ca=Home+Management
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Good that it was not you that did that site.
You should have realised that it was NOT my own site having an email address like that one displayed. I don't have a problem with Fair comments , but do with un-factual assertions.
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Top Contributor
Hi Don,

I opened the site for a sum total of 2 seconds.

My impression was: MFA and "get an image".

Hope this helps.

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