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Hi There,

I have been reading this site for a while and thought I'd finally register and say hello.

My name is Brad and I have been involved with the whole internet marketing game since 2003.

A bit about me.

I have been the founder of both a design & development company and a web marketing company. Back in the day I used to do a fair amount of client work but saw that the returns on building my own businesses were much higher (and less stressful).

One of our higher profile clients was Fox Symes, I (with my business partner) ran their internet campaign from 2004 until about 6 months ago when I resigned from the role and helped transition them to an internal team.

These days I am running a business directory call Start Local as well as quite a few other sites.

Thank you to all the contributors here. I have found many of the posts to be very worthwhile.

I have already met a couple of people here such as DavidL and one or two others. So feel free to drop me a line and say hello.


Top Contributor
Hi Brad, sounds like you know your stuff and have been around for a while. If you not a member maybe join up for the next Auda Vote.

You can join as a company and also join as an individual which will give you 2 voting rights! There are several forum members here who will need the votes for the next Auda Board vote in a few months time. When they get on the Auda board hopefully some positive changes will occur for AUDA and the industry.




Top Contributor
Hi Brad,

Really good to have you here at DN Trade.

Your knowledge and expertise will be welcomed. :)

Cheers, Ned (Admin)


Top Contributor
Hi, welcome to the forum =)

Around 6 months ago a guy from my company moved to Fox Symes to manage PPC activity for them.

Big fan of Start Local but have used it for may clients, I thought True Local owned it hehe =)


Top Contributor
I have been the founder of both a design & development company and a web marketing company. Back in the day I used to do a fair amount of client work but saw that the returns on building my own businesses were much higher (and less stressful).
Wholeheartedly agree!


Welcome to the forums.


Regular Member
Hi Brad, sounds like you know your stuff and have been around for a while. If you not a member maybe join up for the next Auda Vote.

You can join as a company and also join as an individual which will give you 2 voting rights! There are several forum members here who will need the votes for the next Auda Board vote in a few months time. When they get on the Auda board hopefully some positive changes will occur for AUDA and the industry.



Hi DomainNames,

Thank you. I am already a member (and so is my business partner) and I am keen to help make a meaningful contribution.

It is good to see some progress being made on this front. I hope that everyone here that hasn't joined already does so.


Regular Member
Welcome Brad. Good to have you here.

How did you stumble upon dntrade?

Hi Oz, I found dntrade mentioned on a few blogs. I was actually specifically looking for an Australian forum about webmaster and domain related stuff a while back - found this site by completing a forum search on google, found some good content and came back every now and again.


Regular Member
Hi, welcome to the forum =)

Around 6 months ago a guy from my company moved to Fox Symes to manage PPC activity for them.

Big fan of Start Local but have used it for may clients, I thought True Local owned it hehe =)

Hi James,

Fox Symes are in good hands. Although I don't believe I directly recruited your guy. The guy that is running things there now we got from oo.com.au.

Thanks for the appreciation. It is a free directory, so please submit as many businesses with a genuine local presence that you can. It makes our directory better for our users so we love it. Don't forget to add as much content as you can as that will help your clients pages rank better for longer tail terms.
I can confirm that we definitely aren't owned by True Local ;)


Regular Member
Wholeheartedly agree!


Welcome to the forums.


When we did our analysis, we averaged out our earnings per hour from each type of work performed over 6/7 years.

In the final results our own websites were a few multiples ahead of client work (even our best clients). So it was not even close.

Your own websites = Lower upfront earnings, but much better long term earnings.


Top Contributor
Hi James,

Fox Symes are in good hands. Although I don't believe I directly recruited your guy. The guy that is running things there now we got from oo.com.au.

Thanks for the appreciation. It is a free directory, so please submit as many businesses with a genuine local presence that you can. It makes our directory better for our users so we love it. Don't forget to add as much content as you can as that will help your clients pages rank better for longer tail terms.
I can confirm that we definitely aren't owned by True Local ;)

I don't know what he exactly does now, his linked in says he is "Digital Marketing Specialist at Fox Symes & Associates"

Yeah I have used your site a few times seen some decent results from it, but yeah if I want to add heaps of content probably will go on my own sites ;)


Regular Member
Hi Bradderick. Welcome to DN Trade.

Congrats also to Start Local. This Australian Business Directory is doing great.

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