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Emotional Domain Purchases


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So I just transferred a bunch of domains that I bought via NetFleet Snapper Auctions over the last few months and I noticed that over this period I had picked up a number of domains which I purchased more because I'm passionate about the topic or have a dream related to the topic - not really because they were good investments.

It seems I'm collecting quite a portfolio centred around economics, fish and farming (don't ask).


It got me thinking, I'm probably not the only one that tends to chase the occasional domain based on emotion rather than logic.

So what topics are you paying emotional prices for rather than rational ones?


Top Contributor
As someone who prefers to develop domains rather then sit on them, emotion and personal preferences certainly plays a role. Working on domains you aren't passionate about is like running a business you don't believe in.


Top Contributor
As someone who prefers to develop domains rather then sit on them, emotion and personal preferences certainly plays a role. Working on domains you aren't passionate about is like running a business you don't believe in.
I buy to develop as well - though I actually buy a lot of domains just because their stats are good which makes me think they are good for development. I have bought a few domains where initially I didn't even know what the product or industry was, but after 2 - 3 mins of research I'm like, yeah I'll buy that.


I figure, just because I don't like something doesn't mean others don't like it and if I can profitably develop a site that fulfills visitor needs then I'm more than happy to get involved in the industry.

That said I don't know if I see myself being in the internet marketing industry in 5 years time from now. So I rarely make purchases thinking "I'm going to hold this domain forever".

Stay out of it :)

I dont know what niche within the fish industry you focus on, but my focus is more on fish farming, ie aquaculture.
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Mike Robertson

Top Contributor
I've had a few drunk purchases if that counts! :p All seemed like a good idea at the time, but funnily enough not so good when it came to renew.


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Picked up a few personal name domains years ago firstnamesurname.net (3-4?) etc and also a blog name which wasn't used. Best not to go down this route as it is an easy way to blow money, if it is an emotional type purchase and isn't being used by the renewal date/does't make any money I get rid of them.


I've got hundreds of hyphenated.net.au's that I registered a couple of years ago... Going to be some funny drops coming up soon!


Top Contributor
Picked up a few personal name domains years ago firstnamesurname.net (3-4?) etc and also a blog name which wasn't used. Best not to go down this route as it is an easy way to blow money, if it is an emotional type purchase and isn't being used by the renewal date/does't make any money I get rid of them.

I have my firstnamesurname.com in all major extensions excluding .net (which someone else has). My full name is fairly common so I'm pretty happy to have the .com. I registered it maybe ten years ago? I tried to register my first name back in 1998 but it was already taken!

I don't have too many other emotional purchases. Plenty of stupid ones though! :)


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I grabbed mum.id.au and dad.id.au when we had a little one. Can't explain why - total impulse. We use them for our emails to family.
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Top Contributor
Years ago a big trend was "e" this and "e" that. Blew some dollars in the "e" craze... Now the craze is "i" this and "i" that "3D" this "3D" But wont be buying those and dont touch anything with hyphens or numbers.( no offence to those who believe in them here! )

Also .net.au never gave the returns worth renewing so its just pure maximum of 2 generic words and .com.au now. The lessons cost a lot of money and sometimes it best not to follow a craze or try and lead it!
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