and are good examples, neither are run as a business. If these were "for profits" of that size I doubt they'd be using
Wouldn't go near a, it is non standard, confusing and appears second rate. Would be adding an extra keyword on the end or considering hyphens before using one.
Make up your mind!
First you object to on the grounds they are non standard, confusing and appear second rate
Then I prove there are that are standard, are not the slightest bit confusing and do not appear second rate
Now you saying that are for "not for profit" sites
I am shocked that you , an expert, and well aware of the radio test, think a hypenated should be chosen over a memorable
I wouldn't use a hypenated name if you paid me
I see generic on business signs every day and I think to myself that they are smart operators not settling for a made up
This acceptance of may be due to the fact that so many generic are concentrated in the hands of a few companies like OMG
So Australians have accepted , unlike the situation with .com and .net
And Australians see and hear about all day every day
Please don't bring up that spurious argument about SEO
By the way, I used to like reading an American site called something like the good bad and the ugly of domain names where people submitted photos of horrible domain names
I can't find that site
Do you know what is?