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Hi everyone,

I'm an editor who works with web content, business documents and books. I'm interested in information architecture and interaction design, and wondering if any of you take these things into account when designing your websites. I'm going to start sending out advertising material over the next month or so, and I'm just thinking about what the content should be.



Top Contributor
Welcome to DN Trade Brooke! I am very interested in your field as I enjoy writing (Particularly marketing-related and creative writing)

So your question is what copy should be in your ad in order to best target and appeal to web designers looking for higher content quality on their sites?


Hi techmo,

Exactly! Just wondering what is going to jump out at a designer (or any business owner who's thinking about creating or revamping a website, really). Web designers and ad agencies probably get a million promotional packs a week, so I guess I want to make sure I'm advertising my most relevant skills.


Top Contributor
Hi everyone,

I'm interested in information architecture and interaction design, and wondering if any of you take these things into account when designing your websites.

Hi Brooke - a big welcome to DN Trade.

For those of us that don't like big words - :D - can you expand on this please? I think it is a really relevant subject.

Cheers, Admin (Ned)


Top Contributor
Hi techmo,

Exactly! Just wondering what is going to jump out at a designer (or any business owner who's thinking about creating or revamping a website, really).

I'm trying to think for you, but I've got all these 'Unoriginal, been there said that' phrases floating in my head like 'Content that sells, not snubs, etc.', 'Content that's relevant, not redundant'

I suppose you could try playing with those synonym pitch-phrases, but I'll try and think of other things in the meantime.


Sorry! In a nutshell, information architecture is basically the process involved in structuring the website and its content so that the user can navigate the site easily, and that the text is relevant to the website's goals, aimed at the right audience and written specifically for the web. Interaction design takes into account the way people use the web when designing the content, navigation and functions of a website.


I'm trying to think for you, but I've got all these 'Unoriginal, been there said that' phrases floating in my head like 'Content that sells, not snubs, etc.', 'Content that's relevant, not redundant'

I suppose you could try playing with those synonym pitch-phrases, but I'll try and think of other things in the meantime.

Yes, I definitely want to avoid being unoriginal! And I'm also wondering whether phrases like information architecture and interaction design would help or hinder me in terms of getting responses.


Top Contributor
Interaction design maybe, but information architecture sounds a little too technical to appear in an ad - I know web designers are for the most part technical :) but from a marketing point of view would it not be better to stick to simpler, more succint English?


Top Contributor
And I'm also wondering whether phrases like information architecture and interaction design would help or hinder me in terms of getting responses.

Being an old fart myself, I would definitely recommend that you remove as much "jargon" as you can. Marketing 101.

After all, part of your target market will be those that have little or no clue about websites (and how they should work in a perfect world).

Cheers, Admin (Ned)


Being an old fart myself, I would definitely recommend that you remove as much "jargon" as you can. Marketing 101.

After all, part of your target market will be those that have little or no clue about websites (and how they should work in a perfect world).

Cheers, Admin (Ned)
Thanks Ned, that's good advice. I'm wary of putting anyone off!


Interaction design maybe, but information architecture sounds a little too technical to appear in an ad - I know web designers are for the most part technical :) but from a marketing point of view would it not be better to stick to simpler, more succint English?
Yep, plain English is always the aim. I'm at the stage of defining my audience, so I just wanted to get an idea from others as to what terms to use if I'm targeting web designers, as they're a different audience than, for example, ad agencies or general business. From Ned's post (thanks Ned!) it sounds like I shouldn't assume these terms are in general use. This is all really helpful, thanks everyone.


Top Contributor
Welcome to DN Trade Brooke.

I like to try and follow these 5 writing tips, credited to George Orwell:

1. Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.

2. Never use a long word where a short one will do.

3. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.

4. Never use the passive where you can use the active.

5. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.

Source: http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/george-orwells-5-rules-for-effective-writing/


Top Contributor
Hi everyone,

I'm an editor who works with web content, business documents and books. I'm interested in information architecture and interaction design, and wondering if any of you take these things into account when designing your websites. I'm going to start sending out advertising material over the next month or so, and I'm just thinking about what the content should be.


Hi Brooke.

Fairfax media recently advertised a job targeting web dev/design where I saw 'information architecture' used as a term. I've heard of it before, but not in terms of web design. It does seem like a logical extension to make - albeit technical. I am sure UX as a term is used quite a bit wrt design.


Therefore, my guess would be to check what the job ads (by leaders in the web design industry/academia) use as copy for getting applicants.
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Hi Brooke.

Fairfax media recently advertised a job targeting web dev/design where I saw 'information architecture' used as a term. I've heard of it before, but not in terms of web design. It does seem like a logical extension to make - albeit technical. I am sure UX as a term is used quite a bit wrt design.


Therefore, my guess would be to check what the job ads (by leaders in the web design industry/academia) use as copy for getting applicants.
Thanks, good idea.


Top Contributor
Hi everyone,

I'm an editor who works with web content, business documents and books. I'm interested in information architecture and interaction design, and wondering if any of you take these things into account when designing your websites. I'm going to start sending out advertising material over the next month or so, and I'm just thinking about what the content should be.

Hi Brooke
What method of distribution will you use to send out advertising material over the next month or so?


Top Contributor
Welcome to DN Trade Brooke.

I like to try and follow these 5 writing tips, credited to George Orwell:

1. Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.

2. Never use a long word where a short one will do.

3. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.

4. Never use the passive where you can use the active.

5. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.

Source: http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/george-orwells-5-rules-for-effective-writing/

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