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Adsense Revenues Down for 2011?


Top Contributor
Is it just me or are others seeing lower then average revenues for 2011 so far. I mean for all over 2010 I saw pretty similar month on month revenue. But for 2011 I am down 30% for some reason. Traffic is stable!!! Even increasing in some cases.!!!

I mean I am trying to move to more CPM and affiliate based advertising but it is not easy!!! You really need to know your product and have the right market for affiliates.

Any one else seeing similar problems for Adsense? or is it just me!!!

Guess I possibly even have to work harder...


Top Contributor
My traffic and adsense is currently averaging 3 Times the same period last month/year


One of my sites I have seen a bit hit in CPC, dropping about 50% since the Christmas/New Year period. Others are going along as normal though


Archived Member
Mine has been down a little as well although December was a record month which is to be expected given Xmas period (my first Adsense xmas).


Regular Member
Compared to the monthly average for last year, adsense revenue and the average click price is up, traffic is around the same.


Top Contributor
Ive been with Adsense since 2005!!!...

My main niches are - Entertainment, Music, Funny images, Cars...then a bunch of niche sites I have like 50 up and running atm....

CPM for DEC was around $3 now for January for overall all sites its taken a dive to around $1.8 ECPM

My guess is advertisers have cut budgets for January or something, and hopefully they will increase spend for February.


Top Contributor
I know this is a really late response, but just went back and had a look at my CPC in AdSense around this time and I had a 50% fall in CPC on December 15th from my international sites (gaming related).

That said my Australia CPC was unaffected.

Thought I'd just share.

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