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Electricity.com.au dropping Friday


Top Contributor
Hi All

Some nice names dropping tomorrow (Friday), but by far the stand out is:


Closely followed by:


Could be interesting!

Cheers, Mark
Last edited:


Top Contributor
Could be huge - massive competition in this sector. Lots of compare/switch website in addition to the energy companies.

BTW Poker.com.au just sold for $100K. Looks like 888 bought it (Poker is illegal online in Australia and poker ads are against Adsense TOS)

Nevertheless it's a New Official Record for a .AU


Could be huge - massive competition in this sector. Lots of compare/switch website in addition to the energy companies.

BTW Poker.com.au just sold for $100K. Looks like 888 bought it (Poker is illegal online in Australia and poker ads are against Adsense TOS)

Nevertheless it's a New Official Record for a .AU

'Official' - I wonder what the unofficial record is? Anyone? :confused:


Archived Member
Didn't fairfax or newscorp buy some pregnancy/mums website out for way more than 100k a few years back?


Top Contributor
Electricity.com.au (guesstimate - $15,000)

Utilities.com.au (guesstimate - $7,500)


You can't really compare a highly developed website to a domain, they are in different arenas.


Top Contributor
It has to have sold for more that 100k or the guy must be wearing clown pants.

100k is no where near a record. Didn't flowers.com.au sell in that original auction for about 150k - so there's a better "official" one already ;)


Top Contributor
EB is a website not a domain, Their have been many websites .com.au's sell for 1 million+ over the years...

Even sites like Countrycars.com.au sold for millions LOL...

I read Flowers.com.au sold for 200k~, jobs.com.au 200k~


Top Contributor
EssentialBaby.com.au was a full blown website with massive traffic. For a domain only this is the biggest recorded sale.

The biggest unofficial sale, I believe is creditcards.com.au for $300K 3 or 4 years ago....


Top Contributor
The biggest unofficial sale, I believe is creditcards.com.au for $300K 3 or 4 years ago....
- Lower

I read... jobs.com.au 200k~
- Higher


Top Contributor
Both very nice names. What are peoples thoughts on final prices?


RE: Electricity - I think your good for 10-12k+ Andrew.

It's a massive growing sector, and it is generic too as you could still sell "solar electricity" on it, with deregulation, a nice comparison engine .. could be a great site.


Top Contributor
I think Electricity will go for less than $1000 .. a terrible name not worth anything... dont bother bidding guys.. ( is that an obvious hint I like it :) )


Top Contributor
$50,010 my bet

Yeah I'm thinking up that way. Google electricity and it's jammed with competition - a sure sign of a lucrative industry.

Lots of comparison websites too which suggests it could be a good industry for affilliate revenue. Anyway we'll see. Have emailed/called a bunch of electricity companies but the problem is the turnaround for them to make a decision, decide on a budget and get finance approval might be too long for a 24hr auction.

They even struggle with 7 day auctions. When we sold cloudcomputing.com.au got multiple people calling in the days after the auction seeing if it was still available :( (and of course offering more - too late fellas)

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