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hardware.com.au dropping tomorrow


Top Contributor
Saw this on the mail from DROP any estimates to what we will see for a sale.
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Top Contributor
Already over $8000 on drop and nearly 5 hours to go, very surprised at the interest.
Am I missing something, I know its a common word description, but how whould you make money on this domain.

Unless Bunnings and another hardware chain are after it, then yes I can see this going high.


Top Contributor
Just did a whois lookup on this domain and guess who use to own it Bunnings, someone's lost his job I would think. This will be interesting if another hardware chain is after it. :D


Archived Member
Already over $8000 on drop and nearly 5 hours to go, very surprised at the interest.
Am I missing something, I know its a common word description, but how whould you make money on this domain.

Unless Bunnings and another hardware chain are after it, then yes I can see this going high.

Yeah, I don't understand the interest either. What sort of hardware? Computer hardware? Tools? Hardware the movie?

In adddition to that, go and take a look at the results for hardware in google.com.au Google places basically dominates the front page.

If you're a hardware store, I think it's much better to go and purchase a dozen prepaid sim cards and start spamming the places page instead.


Top Contributor
You do realize people have been fined crazy amounts in the US for that haha...

I noticed on Netfleet snapper some one has it on backorder, why does this prevent bidding from happening?
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Archived Member
You do realize people have been fined crazy amounts in the US for that haha...

But yeah I saw that too Bunnings once owned this domain, what is the legal issues behind bidding on it? I amvpretty sure they would try something..

Also I noticed on Netfleet snapper some one has it on backorder, why does this prevent bidding from happening?

Fined? First I've heard of it. I've heard of being people mass removed but not much more than that. Are we talking just 5-10 listings or a couple hundred to cover every single city with multiple listings? Not that I don't believe you but I can't find anything in Google either. Post a link if you have one.

I believe it prevents bidding because you have to pay $ in order to back order. I would hazard a guess that the majority of back orders are not fulfilled which makes this a good income earner for them.


Top Contributor
Fined? First I've heard of it. I've heard of being people mass removed but not much more than that. Are we talking just 5-10 listings or a couple hundred to cover every single city with multiple listings? Not that I don't believe you but I can't find anything in Google either. Post a link if you have one.

I believe it prevents bidding because you have to pay $ in order to back order. I would hazard a guess that the majority of back orders are not fulfilled which makes this a good income earner for them.

I have been optimizing Google places for a long time for various clients, I have seen some very dodgy stuff and Google does take action when they get around to it.

Here is a case from the US - http://www.ag.ny.gov/media_center/2009/july/july14b_09.html


Archived Member
I have been optimizing Google places for a long time for various clients, I have seen some very dodgy stuff and Google does take action when they get around to it.

Here is a case from the US - http://www.ag.ny.gov/media_center/2009/july/july14b_09.html

It doesn't mention Google anywhere in that article. It says they were posting fake reviews, not massing business listings which I would consider a little different (you're not exactly lying).

Most people that claim to optimise Google places are breaking the T&C anyway when posting reviews on behalf of customers and other shit like that. If you're happy to break 1, you may as well break them all.

Depending on niche, you may as well go all out and load it up, Google are so slow to act on it. For example, a business in my niche has had multiple listings for well over a year now.

Anyway, getting a little bit off topic but probably a good topic for another thread no doubt.
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Archived Member
Sucks to be the guy at Bunnins who forgot to renew.

Probably doesn't work there any more or is in a different role. I think that's how some domains drop... no-one knows who is responsible for such stuff.

It'll be interesting to see what is done with the domain now. I'm stunned it sold for so much but it's exciting all the same.


Top Contributor
Well feel for me guys as for a minute I was in with a chance for $60 on DW as highest bidder, when I saw NF did not get it, I was hoping. :(

I see the mob that got it does work for Woolworths, I believe they are going to go into hardware like Bunnings. Does not take much to work out who will end up with it.


Regular Member
I was a little worried I'd have similar competition snapping up CoastalCaraIrConditioningAndSelbySautoElectrical com.au ... *phew*


Top Contributor
Would need to be owned by someone already very big in the business (for regular hardware) to have a good crack at it in my view because of the broadness of the name.

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