Yeah, you guys are right - its foolish to consider any investment as guaranteed, after all the odds of actually getting it right are stacked against you...there's really no point trying to find any niche out there... there's no point to domaining at all because all the rich guys have the good keyword domains, i would need to win the lottery just to afford one good domain...right?
creation date for is 2004 -
Exact local monthly searches for 3D in Australia = 3600 not 1000
I agree snoopy - it takes time and effort to find premium domains, i lucked out today at the auction for by $7, i am guttered but "if" I had of just put in a proxy of $1300 it would of possibly won; that's the real gamble its not registering hundred of domains without meaning - I do believe that 3D will have its day but it will be fleeting like someone here said of 3g -
I saw this one - didn't bid though. If it didn't produce international results from a Google AU search of "3D Art" I would have
Ironic that they are far better than most of what we have seen on the forums and still they are not even worth $1 on the drop.
Indeed - I was interested to see if they got any bids -doesn't even look as though anyone wants to pick them up at reg fee.