There is no point lecturing anyone when you are trying to sell your domains for less than $1 each. It is also pointless complaining about constant negative comments, if you'd taken that negative feedback on board when you first started registering you'd be far better off today.
You should be angry with the people who told you these names had potential, not the people who told you they were rubbish. Think about this for a while before responding.
Snoopy - do you have a comprehension problem or are you dislexic or both OR are you a visionary like a Nostradamus - absolutely amazing how you can interpret "anger" from the written word, amazing.
The greatest problem in communication is in the written word when it is not able to be backed up by the physical presence of the writer to validate the intention of a word or phrase or explain the emphasis etc. More business problems and personal problems eminate from the interpretation, or mis-interpretation of the modern written correspondence - emails. "I read it to mean" ........ "oh, is that what it (you) meant?".
Frustration would have been a better choice of word but in any case your comments are close minded - they are from the Bible according to Snoopy, according to Snoopys perception / belief that 3D will not succeed, and you are entitled to that opinion, as are others who believe the contrary.
I figure you are continuing to read this post and in fact offering comment as a defense mechanism for the un called for comment you made which started all of this unnecessary crap discussion. You at best glanced at the site, if at all, and made the comment you made based on your prejudices, not from any other viewpoint - you just do not believe that 3D will fly.
I am not angry - frustrated yes - am I frustrated about the humungous mistake, error of judgement, call it what you will, about rushing off and regging all those myriod of 3D names thinking that I was going to make millions and have since found out that I was deluding myself, that I was a greenhorn wet behind the ears newbie and screwed up. The honest answer to that is no - I was, but I am now over that, I have moved on. I still believe I have some names of value and I may one day (read carefully - one day), may recoup my investment - but if I don't then so be it. Some lessons in life can be expensive, this "lesson" has cost me a pretty penny.
BUT - I am still frustrated - frustrated with the single mindedness of some comments I get or I see in other posts. As much as it may not appear such (albeit please check some other previous posts) I can accept criticism - if it is founded - if it isn't founded then I won't accept it. Like I won't accept a comment like you made initially Snoopy because I am not convinced that it has any real foundation - subsequent comments have been as I said in defence of the original. Well maybe that is too harsh, some of my domains are rubbish, many are not rubbish but certainly are pretty ordinary - nope, it wasn't too harsh. By the way, nobody has told me my domains are good so I can't blame that person, not that I am interested in blaming anyone for anything.
Get a cup of coffee and read carefully the comments in this thread - some are very constructive and have merit - most though are fuelled by prejudice(against 3D) and offer statements that are bewildering.
Any time you want to offer any advice or comments Snoopy I will gladly welcome them - if they are sensible and constructive.
So Snoopy, before making comments like you have and using words like you have (aka rubbish) then take some of your own advice onboard and think about it for a while.
For others reading this - some brief responses to some comments. WOR - what an amazing bit of research data you submitted for search results for 3D in Cars - tell me, why did you bother, I could have told you the results. The bigger question is "what do those useless figures prove?" - it's like saying that no-one wanted to fly in an aeroplane back in 1897 - wonder why? Planes were invented, they weren't very successful at the time but they did become successful. Your friend was right - buying a 3D TV now is tantamount to a waste of money - TODAY - will it be tomorrow?? Actually it is not a waste of money - you buy a new TV because you want one - a 3D capable unit of equivalent screen size is a few hundred dollars dearer than a standard LCD / LED - you buy a new TV say every 5-6 years? 3D content will be bubbling over in a few months time - 2D viewinbg on a 3D TV is as good as on a 2D TV - because of the current "flop" of 3DTV you can screw prices down significantly. If you bought a 3D TV for watching 3D today then not only is it a waste of money but you would likely have better spent the money on a therapist.
Oh, the data - supposed to indicate the value of the domain right. Nobody wanted "solar" names a few years ago - try and reg a decent one today. If you have some spare time try searches for 3D Cameras, 3D Computers, 3D Laptops, 3D Phones, 3D Printers - they will all be zero or slightly more than zero - what a surprise.
I said it previously however I must have typed in Hebrew - forget 3D TV - take the blinkers off and look at the potential of other 3D Consumer Electronics products. You will not stop the advance of technology.
DavidS - I am keeping some 3D Domains and I currently have some 3D sites operating and ranking well (PR 2/3 for a number of keyword searches) and earning reasonably well with affiliate income given the lack of enthusiasm for 3DTV and the shortage of other 3D products (only 3 manufacturers of cameras and camcorders have released 3D models so far - they are all very small Japanese companies, Panasonic, Sony and FujiFilm). The WHOLE future is not in 3D but there is a big part of the Consumer Electronics industry that suggest that that industry will be significantly affected by 3D Technology.
I haven't time to go back through the list but someone mentioned "lecturing" - if I have come across as lecturing then I apologise - the apology is subject to me not being lectured on why 3D domains are worthless, reg fee return only, don't have search result stats and all the other nonsensical useless trivia that has no bearing at all on the topic of the thread which was a question - only one person has actually answered the question - everyone else has gone off on tangents. And as for the "comments appreciated" - I wasn't asking for comments on the names - I already knew what most in here thought of 3D domains.
Many a battle has been lost by the very best Generals with the biggest and best armies and equipment etc, battles that should never have been lost, through poor communication and assumption. As the strategist a General ahs thought out his battle plan, knows it backwards - he gathers his officers and tells them of the plan and tells each of them what their role is in the scheme of things then dismisses them to prepare for the coming battle. Sound ok so far - anyone pick the problem? Did all the officers fully inderstand what their role was and how it fitted into the scheme of things or did the AGeneral assume that they all did. After the battle was lost the General had his answer.
It is now standard practice in the military to have orders given repeated by the person receiving the orders to the person giving them to discover any misinterpretation at that time and not when it is too late.
14,789 keystokes would have been saved if the post was read carefully and interpreted in the way it was intended. Next time I post (fair warning, no I am not going to go away) I will spell it out a few different ways so that hopefully there will be no misunderstandings.
et domine et filio sanctu espiritu domine ..... there endeth the lesson, go in peace. (you too Snoops
