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Unsolicited emails from persons interested in acquiring name under auDA 6mth policy?


Top Contributor
some ideas
1. maybe email back you are not in a position to offer the name for sale at this time and send them the part of policy thats says 6 months rule.

You could push the boundry and email them the date you could look at it again ( say 7 months from your reg date)

2. "Thanks for your interest in domain name. At this point in time we are not interested in selling the domain name"

3. keep their email and contact them after the 6 months expires if you so wish...

Dont be tempted to try and sell it within the 6 months.. It might be a trap to get the name deleted for policy breach by someone who wants it:).. Yes this happens
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Top Contributor
This happened to me last year. I said that I hadn't considered selling the name and that it was prohibited within the first 6 months anyway.

I invited them to make me an offer after the 6 months was up... they then came back to me at that point and I sold it to them.


Top Contributor
Tell them the truth
You want to sell it, however because of the rules you cannot, until whatever date
On that date you will seriously consider an offer of .........$


Top Contributor
That policy rule needs changing. Who can get it changed and when? It makes no sense whatsoever and Im not aware of any other domain extension in the world having a 6 month no sale allowed rule.

Sometimes I think Auda is trying its hardest to stop Australia's online success.It certainly has slowed it down where we are years behind the rest of the major extensions rules wise
That policy rule needs changing. Who can get it changed and when? It makes no sense whatsoever and Im not aware of any other domain extension in the world having a 6 month no sale allowed rule.

Sometimes I think Auda is trying its hardest to stop Australia's online success.It certainly has slowed it down where we are years behind the rest of the major extensions rules wise

I agree, the 6 month rule, like the monetisation policy is a stupid and unnecessary regulation.

Just be careful when handling enquiries on domains registered within the last 6 months - I have seen a few cases of 'jealous' people trying to trap the registrant into a policy breach thinking that they can just take the name. Next time I have a drink with you guys I can give you a few of my thoughts in this regard......


Top Contributor
This happened to me last year. I said that I hadn't considered selling the name and that it was prohibited within the first 6 months anyway.

I invited them to make me an offer after the 6 months was up... they then came back to me at that point and I sold it to them.

Seems like a pretty good parallel situation. Was it another domainer or end-user? And how much did they offer?


Top Contributor
Seems like a pretty good parallel situation. Was it another domainer or end-user? And how much did they offer?

End user. I actually used the words "make me a reasonable offer and I'll give it some consideration"... and their first offer of $xxx was decent for the domain in question.

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