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Still Regging .Coms?

Do You Register .Coms

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Data Glasses

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I thought it would be interesting to see how many of us are still regging .coms ??

I am still positive on this extension


Top Contributor
Well that industry seems to be in love with them still.

I reg them when available. In fact got a few ready to reg now.


Top Contributor
btw who registers .biz or .info ?

I only have 1 .info and that is cheapestdomains.info and I have no idea why i bought it

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
funnily enough I don't have a godaddy account. prefer to support local, even if it is near cost.

Many of the local registras were way overpriced just a few years, some even now. I think many people start off at godaddy .....probably the regular discount codes offered


Top Contributor
I only register .infos and .biz no money in the other extensions so you should all drop any other extensions like .com and .net if there good keyword domains I'll even give ya regfee so you don't lose any more money...

seriously though I reg .com .net. .com.au .net.au .co.nz I mostly buy expired domains that have some type in traffic and are already indexed

after seeing the Godaddy auction though might have to have another look some of them .infos were getting some reasonable bids.


Top Contributor
btw who registers .biz or .info ?

I only have 1 .info and that is cheapestdomains.info and I have no idea why i bought it

I sold a few .info's like 3 years ago for $x,xxx (mid) a piece.

Depends what commercial terms you have.

Also in the last year I think I picked up one .biz for a high commercial term as nothing was available even .net.au/ and all other tlds were gone lol

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