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Spread the word of the proposed competing supply pushed .au & lack of transparency!


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Forward this to people you know if you value auDA TRANSPARENCY and proper process! It is time people knew the facts.

Every existing .com.au and .net.au owner is affected... but very few have been told... why? Because some people want to sneak this through massive changes with questionable limited stacked surveys etc

Hello, I just thought I'd let you know that even though you own your own .com.au name and may have spent consider money on it and related costs there is a plan to implement a NEW competing .au domain name.

It's being proposed by the current .com.au governing body AUDA ( auda.org.au ) and several organisations who stand to make extra profits from it for their own benefit... This is not being done for your benefit! Don't be fooled!

There is no factual evidence another additional .au extension is required or even wanted by overwhelming demand. Surveys done recently have been tainted and in many ways manipulated making them totally invalid, false and misleading. This is most troubling and it needs to be fully investigated and exposed.

Basically some people who stand to make a profit want to bring out a NEW competing additional ".au" , eg: Carsales.au, Realestate.au, Seek.au, RSVP.au, News.au, Flatmates.au HarveyNorman.au, Coles.au, Sydney.au, Melbourneit.au, Ausregistry.au , yourname.au etc, over 3 million existing .com.au .net.au domain name owners will be affected by this proposed change.

Why didn't www.auDA.org.au, ausRegistry, MelbourneIT etc contact you and ask for your opinion or offer you the right to proper surveys and vote NO? Ask yourself why and you may realise something is not right in the proper process of such a proposed massive change affecting Australian business and the strong .com.au trust built up globally over 20 years.

You may be surprised to know several auDA board members and auDA itself stand to make profits from such a proposed additional competing .au extension change..

Why do they want to do it? EXTRA PROFITS FOR THEM.

You have not been provided all of the facts, The extra costs for you each year, how this may affect your IP and others costs etc. The failed new domain name extensions across the globe being pushed by domain name registrars and resellers.

Your rights have not even been considered it seems. Certainly you are seen as a potential cash cow who will pay double to get the additional .au if you have a .com.au you want to protect.

Some auDA Board member related entities sent out Yes Only survey forms pushing for the additional competing .au extension which swayed the survey results to a YES ONLY VOTE. They failed to disclose how much money they would make from it, they seemingly made false and misleading claims the .uk and .nz was widely successful and based on that the proposed competing additional .au extension would also be widely successful ...the fact is .uk and .nz have failed as statistics and even official information shows. Is this Legal to act this way? Is this good governance? Is this Transparent? Is it appropriate under the Corporations Act? Why did auDA not take action against them and remove them from the auDA board plus do new surveys and contact you with the full information and proper disclosures?

Ask yourself why 96% of .co.uk owners have not chosen to register the .uk version of their .co.uk domain name.

Ask yourself why the New Zealand governing body said many people are dropping their .nz name and just using their .co.nz name now. People are waking up this was always just a money grab.

Ask yourself why many of the new global 2000 Domain Name Extension / GTLD'S have failed.. some of which are still being heavily promoted by auDA Board member related organisations with incorrect claims they will be better for SEO and be seen higher on Google. Google themselves said such claims are false and not even google has bothered to register most of these domain name extensions when clearly if they thought it beneficial they would have.

Ask yourself why auDA has over $10 million in domain name profits in the bank invested.. surely some people are making too much money already from the costs of .com.au and .net.au registrations, renewals and change of registrant costs?

Ask yourself why there has been no tender again for the Australian wholesale domain name registry and why wholesale domain name prices have not dropped yet massive profits are going offshore to the auDA Board Member offshore foreign owned Australian Wholesale Registry provider every year.

send your views and concerns to media, government, your MP and every existing .com.au . .net.au owner you know.

Let auDA know they must stand up for the rights of all existing .com.au and .net.au owners and they should not allow contracted Australian wholesale registry providers, Registrars, Resellers to manipulate process and proper governance.

Cameron Boardman , cameron.boardman@auda.org.au
the auDA board , di.parker@auda.org.au


Top Contributor
This info was sent to auDA, Deloitee and the auDA Board. Let's hope in their roles of responsibility they read it.... no excuses if auDA and the auDA Board still proceed with another failed extension and false information.. they have all the facts now from the .UK, .NZ and increasing GTLD failures including some shutting down completely.

People now know the push for these additional competing extensions is largely done by organisations for their own benefit and financial profits only.

auDA... Ausregistry.. Melbourne It ETC who all pushed for the competing additional .au extension will be the ones who try to make the money

96% of .co.uk owners have not bothered to register the .uk option.
New Zealand has seen a drop in renewals of their .nz extension. People are sticking with the .co.nz name instead. Once again 93% of .co.nz owners have not registered the .nz option.



Top Contributor
This info was sent to auDA, Deloitee and the auDA Board. Let's hope in their roles of responsibility they read it.... no excuses if auDA and the auDA Board still proceed with another failed extension and false information.. they have all the facts now from the .UK, .NZ and increasing GTLD failures including some shutting down completely.

People now know the push for these additional competing extensions is largely done by organisations for their own benefit and financial profits only.

auDA... Ausregistry.. Melbourne It ETC who all pushed for the competing additional .au extension will be the ones who try to make the money

96% of .co.uk owners have not bothered to register the .uk option.
New Zealand has seen a drop in renewals of their .nz extension. People are sticking with the .co.nz name instead. Once again 93% of .co.nz owners have not registered the .nz option.


"The current status quo works extremely well, and the call for change is not being driven by businesses. It is driven by greed, not need" UK Domain Name Industry expert.

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