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Site Disclaimers, Privacy, T&C

Blue Wren

Top Contributor
Hi members

Possibly it may be difficult to have a 'one size fits all' for this; but what do you do when kitting out a website with a Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, and Terms & Conditions?

Lawyes to draw them up?
Use something found on the net?
Do it yourself?


Thank you
I always say get a lawyer to do it :)

The thing to remember is don't use American terms and privacy policies, they are just not appropriate for Australia.

We have a generic package (a) generic terms; and (b) privacy policy; - these are suitable for non ecommerce websites (we have an ecommerce version as well) - very good value. PM me for details


Privacy & policy should meet your country's law and regulation IMO, Terms may be more about your own rules, so you may be able to fix it by yourself. I would find 5 to 10 good websites in the similar business area and read their terms to see a points (not copy). Hiring a lawyer may be quiet expensive. Good luck.

Hi members

Possibly it may be difficult to have a 'one size fits all' for this; but what do you do when kitting out a website with a Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, and Terms & Conditions?

Lawyes to draw them up?
Use something found on the net?
Do it yourself?


Thank you

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