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Shanghai Domain Registry -- .cn / .com.cn


Need some assistance please with respect to a recent
request from a Shanghai Domain Name Registry and not sure whether emails are spam and/or whether entity is authentic or not.

There is a very enthusiastic buyer, Kenny Li, in the background who is adamant about purchasing an Australian .com.au domain name of which a Pty Ltd owns.

Appreciate some intelligence as to how to protect the Australian Pty Ltd brand / trademark for Chinese marketplace given I have not been able to find any sound information thus far.



Top Contributor
SCAM SCAM SCAM, i get them often, ignore them, but the key question is "are you intending to trade in china?

if so contact coopers mills, if not.... delete, go grab a beer and watch the footy.



Hello All

Thank you for the numerous replies to my query; I've been educated.

Shenji: yes it is one of those emails where Mr Carlo Choei wishes to purchase: .cn / .com.cn / .cn.org and basically the matter is urgent because it will be 'big' business for 'Mr Carlo' in China

Mr Kenny Li is the General Manager of CN Domain Registry who seems to be the 'co-ordinator' as follows:

Kenny Li
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3002, Nanhai Building, No. 854 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86-21-6191-8696 l Mobile: +86-182-2195-1605
Fax: +86-21-6191-8697 l Web: www.cnregistry.org

Kenny Li has sent 6 emails questioning whether the Application is going ahead and there's a due date ie this Wednesday 15th.

Cooper: We do intend to trade in China within 18 months and Pty Ltd has been trademarked in Australia since 2007 in its respective classes. Does this mean I need to obtain a trademark specifically for the Chinese marketplace in its applicable classes?

FindTim: Beer and footy not my interest however, Rare Books, Gin and Tonics are! :)

Thank you all for your invaluable input.

Best, MarinaB
Hi Marina

Yes if you are going to trade in China it is critical. Most people dont realise that if you dont have a trademark in China and someone gets in before you, they can use that mark to block the export of your goods (as infringing goods).

I would recommend getting registration in China.


Thank you very much CMDL -- one more question if I may: is the trademark for the Chinese marketplace purchased in Australia or China?

Best, MarinaB

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