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SEO Meetups 1st Sept - Brisbane, Sydney & Melbourne


Top Contributor
Same as every month there'll be SEO meetups in Brisbane, Sydney & Melbourne on the first thursday, in this case the 1st of September.

I co-organise the Brisbane meetups and would love to get some domainers coming along if you're able. This month we'll be doing a couple of live site audits, something along the lines of SMX site clinics. We're still accepting submissions for sites to audit so if you'd like us to audit one of yours (or a competitors) then you can make a suggestion when you RSVP.

You can check out the umbrella site http://www.seomeetups.com.au/ or just go straight to the individual meetup.com pages:

Brisbane: http://www.meetup.com/Brisbane-SEO/
Sydney: http://www.meetup.com/Sydney-SEO/
Melbourne: http://www.meetup.com/Melbourne-SEO/

Hope you can make it along!


Top Contributor
Good too see the Brisbane one picking up steam, you should hit up the crew at Reload Media and Dejan SEO probably 2 of the biggest SEO companies in Brisbane...

Yeh we change format and venue a couple months ago and the numbers have been solid since.

Dan & co have rocked up to a couple, always good to have them along.


Top Contributor
Yeh we change format and venue a couple months ago and the numbers have been solid since.

Dan & co have rocked up to a couple, always good to have them along.

what kind of numbers does the Brisbane event do?

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