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Top Contributor
Why does everyone try to have names similar to the successful competition, why not be like timmy and keep your business name generic - vouchers.com.au - they could have been beautyvouchers.com.au or beautydeals.com.au... and would have had a lot less trouble given the use of generic terms not mention more SEO success...

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
Ah scoop is generic. That's just lawyers doing what they do and the girls lawyer telling them it would be cheaper to cave in.


Top Contributor
Why does everyone try to have names similar to the successful competition, why not be like timmy and keep your business name generic - vouchers.com.au - they could have been beautyvouchers.com.au or beautydeals.com.au... and would have had a lot less trouble given the use of generic terms not mention more SEO success...

Timmy owns voucher.com.au, not vouchers.com.au.

I think you just answered your own question :)


Top Contributor
Nice pair of domains there. Still, I think my point stands - Voucher.com.au is the primary site. No one would accidentally misremember Scoopon as 'Scoopons'. Generic domains are great for SEO, but imo can be tough to brand because they are, well, generic. If my plan was to build a brand, I would probably want it to sound as un-generic as possible.


Top Contributor
... No one would accidentally misremember Scoopon as 'Scoopons'..

Some people do:



Top Contributor
These guys play hardball!

Be interesting to see how Scoopon's battle with Groupon goes. I imagine there will be a couple of working Mum's
cheering in the stands if Scoopon doesn't do so well. ;)



on the subject of coupons/deals heres another one .. old news but new to me .. never heard of them i should get around more maybe ..

"Jump On It scores $5 million investment from LivingSocial, takes over local operations"


Jumponit.com they have the AU but use the .com


Top Contributor
FPR: Interesting... I checked the Google Keyword Tool and the singular has 60k exact searches a month, the plural gets a bit under 4.5k / month. So it looks like about 1 in 14 people do indeed get it wrong.

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