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Remember You Can Nominate 2 Persons For Demand Class


Top Contributor
I just thought I'd point out you can nominate 2 people for demand class after Shane made an announcement of running for the board on the upcoming elections.
I've always voted for Simon Johnson and still think he should get our vote along with Shane, if both were elected it would be in all our interests.

Just my 2 bobs worth.



Top Contributor
I just thought I'd point out you can nominate 2 people for demand class after Shane made an announcement of running for the board on the upcoming elections.
I've always voted for Simon Johnson and still think he should get our vote along with Shane, if both were elected it would be in all our interests.

Just my 2 bobs worth.


I also voted for Simon last time round Don, but for him to also get my vote at the next election, I simply want to know where he stands on direct registrations. That's a fair enough question to ask isn't it?

He doesn't have to break Board confidentiality and tell us how he voted at the February Board meeting - but surely he can tell us (his constituents) what his attitude in general is? I think you even echoed a similar sentiment just recently. ;)


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Dntrade badly needs 1 more candidate. If anyone is thinking of stepping up to the plate you are probably coming in at the ideal time.
What about you Paul? You would have to be one of the most experienced people out there. And you're not afraid of telling it as it is.


Top Contributor
What about you Paul? You would have to be one of the most experienced people out there. And you're not afraid of telling it as it is.

Cheers Ned, I don’t really have much of an interest in the “political” side of the things, actually I prefer to forget about AUDA & Icann, except for this latest proposal.


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i also voted for simon, what seems to have changed this year is the gravity of who is on the board and the importance of how valuable your vote has become,
the debates on dnt have really formulated that we auda members will be expecting the candidates to work for our vote and not be given them as there is no other alternative, just like any other election, you don't see malcolm sitting at home whilst bill eats away at his votes.
on that note there are/will be other candidates as the time gets closer and we will expect the same openess as to where they stand on the issues that concern us and ( for devs like me) the clients we represent.

you have 2 votes, getting the 2 we want on the board would be great, i don't think any candidate including the present demand board members should assume anything.



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Elephant in the room. Vote 1 for Ned.
Andrew, as I have told many people, at my age I don't want to catch by that strange malady that seems to infect / affect Directors when they get elected to the auDA Board. It's almost akin to laryngitis - they seem to lose their voice. ;)

Far easier for me to be a writer / blogger, and have the freedom to express opinions in public.


Top Contributor
LOLLLLLLLLL , you can do the same for the federal labout party !!!!
Abbotts BACK !
but unlike auda, in federal just because they win doesn't mean they stay.
i can hear the conversation " hi ruddy, abbott here, you've been through this...........care to give me some advice? "


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